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Chapter Thirteen

Allison tried for about twenty seconds to change into a swimsuit for the waterfall hike before realizing she had to dump the sling. She slid her arm out and tested it. It was still tender when she lifted it above shoulder height but definitely felt better than it had. She would be fine and she felt like the sling had served its usefulness.

Sliding gingerly into a darling Nani swimsuit with one shoulder strap and an orange and pale blue pattern that she loved, she carefully put on her Tevas and headed down the stairs. Birch waited for her by the front door, wearing a t-shirt and swim trunks. He glanced up and his mouth dropped slightly open.

He passed a hand over his face and murmured, “Ally … it really isn’t fair to the male species, me in particular, for you to go around looking this irresistible.”

It was the first sign of softening she’d seen in him since last night and she loved it. “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she returned.

He smiled and looked her over again. “That’s a great swimsuit.”

She laughed. “Oh, so it’s all the swimsuit making me look good.”

“Nope. You’d look good in nothing …” His eyes widened. “I mean … wow. Hike to the waterfall?”

She couldn’t stop grinning. Maybe they did have a chance, could be okay, if they could ignore his promise to his brother, his attack on her good friend, the suspicions he still held about all actresses in general, and the stalker who might be trying to find her as they spoke. It was admittedly a lot but she was a positive person by nature so she held out hope they had a chance.

He extended his left hand and she happily took it with her right. Things felt good between them, almost as comfortable as they’d been yesterday after they kissed and before he revealed his promise to his brother. They exited the bungalow and headed along one of the forest trails until they saw the sign for a trail heading to the middle of the island and the waterfall. It was pretty and lush with lots of greenery, some wildflowers, and a happy creek gurgling next to them.

Birch snuck another look at her, a slight smile on his lips but then he immediately frowned and Allison tensed. Oh boy. What now? Couldn’t they just relax and have fun for two minutes without him getting all uptight?

“Where’s your sling?” he asked.

“Oh.” That was a relief. The sling was the least of their issues. “I took it off to get into the swimsuit and my shoulder is feeling better so I left it off for a bit.”

His brow furrowed and he didn’t seem to like it. “You’ll be careful?”

“Yes, my overprotective protector.”

Birch actually chuckled but then he sobered. “I feel strongly toward you, Ally. Not just as a protection detail but how enticing you are to me in every way.”

Allison smiled at him. “You’re pretty … enticing to me too.”

She hoped he’d stop right there in the trail and kiss her but he kept walking. She bit at her lip, got brave, and asked, “I know there are a lot of reasons you don’t want to explore a relationship with me.”

Birch’s gaze darted to her and his dark eyes were full of conflict. He only gave her a short nod and slowed his pace a little bit, no indication that he would give them a chance.

“Maybe this is wrong to ask of you, but could you set aside … everything and just let us be? Just enjoy each other in this tropical paradise.” She gestured around. “And see what happens without all your …” She didn’t want to spell it all out. All his issues, all his prejudices, but most of all … his promise to his brother.

Birch stopped walking, released her hand, and turned to her. His dark eyes had turned cool. “That sounds an awful lot like a Hollywood theme. Just enjoy each other. See what happens.”

Allison sucked in a breath and put her right hand on her abdomen. “Oh, Birch. I didn’t mean it like … that.” She shook her head. “I would be a horrible politician.”

Birch’s eyes softened a fraction and he studied her. “So you weren’t trying to say we should just enjoy each other as in sleep together, seize the day, and not worry about tomorrow?”

“No. I wouldn’t. I’m …” She lowered her voice, unable to recall how many times she’d been teased when someone found out about the promise she made to God when she was a young teen and had stood by no matter the pressures. “I’m saving myself for marriage. I’ve committed not to act in shows with sex scenes or nudity. I’ve never …” She swallowed and, unable to meet his gaze and see if this man she’d been so impressed by would mock her like others had, said, “Never been with a man like that.”

Silence fell between them as Allison studied the greenery behind him and tried to guess what Birch was thinking. She could feel his gaze on her and then he said gruffly, “Can you please look at me while you say that?”

“What?” Allison’s gaze darted to him. His eyes were full of hope even though his tone had been hard. “Isn’t it embarrassing enough I said it once?”

Birch stepped in closer to her and cupped her face with his palm. “It isn’t embarrassing at all, but why did you look away as you said it? Not able to meet an interrogator’s gaze is a classic sign of hiding the truth.”

“Argh!” she gasped and glared at him. “You still don’t trust me?”

Birch tenderly stroked her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “I do trust you. That’s what terrifies me.” His gaze swept over her face. “You’ve committed to save yourself for marriage?” he asked quietly.

Allison stared deeply into his eyes. “I have.”
