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Chapter Three

Allison woke early to meet with her personal trainer and shower, then she spent time with her voice coach before going to lunch with her closest friend, Bermuda, and four of their other friends who were still struggling to break out of soap operas and supporting roles. She’d known all of them since college, and she hated that each of them, except Bermuda, now looked at her with jealousy or hope that she’d pull them up to the next level now that she’d finally gotten there. She would definitely try but Hollywood was a tough world to gain full entry to.

Something was off with Bermuda today. Allison could guess what it was. Bermuda had asked her to step down from pursuing the role they were both after and Allison had told her no, as kindly as possible. It really wasn’t fair for her friend to ask, not only because Bermuda had been raised in this industry and had contacts Allison could only dream of, but also Bermuda would act in any PG-13 or R-rated role whereas Allison had limited herself to only G, PG, or certain PG-13 movies that she and her agent screened for nudity, sex, extensive violence, or foul language. She recognized it was self-induced but her selectiveness made getting leading roles extremely difficult and this four-movie contract wasn’t something she could walk away from if it was offered to her.

As the rest of their friends said goodbye with air kisses, Allison stopped Bermuda with a hand on her arm. “Everything okay?” She worried if their friendship would survive them both vying for the same role. They’d been friends since Bermuda took Allison under her wing on their first day at Julliard. Surely they could weather this.

“Of course.” Bermuda’s blue eyes weren’t as warm today, maybe she was just distracted but Allison was afraid it was more. Allison’s stomach lurched. It was hard to maintain friendships in a cutthroat industry and she didn’t want to lose Bermuda’s. Yet she really wanted that role and a week ago she would’ve told anyone asking that she and Bermuda both understood the industry and loved each other and would cheer for the other in any success. Right now, she wasn’t so sure.

“Listen, friend—,” Allison began.

“Everything’s great, sweetie, I promise.” Bermuda gave her a tight hug that reassured her as much as anything. “You know I love you and this will all work out. Sorry but I’ve really got to go.” She waved and hurried to her silver Audi.

Allison watched her go, concerned despite Bermuda’s reassurances. Bermuda was a breath of fresh air in this industry and one of the few friends Allison truly trusted. She couldn’t damage their friendship over a movie role. She’d have to pray and listen hard tonight. There were other roles out there, but finding a PG-rated movie that was going to hit the level of success she feltThe Crusaderswould was almost unheard of.

She looked at her phone and realized she was going to be rushed to meet with her agent. Her agent was one of the top in Hollywood and Allison knew Jessica wouldn’t have signed her without the referral from Bermuda. Jessica was the reason Allison had landed her last role acting with Scarlett Lily. Jessica was no-nonsense and didn’t waste time. Allison appreciated that as much as she appreciated the offers she now got to decide between. They mulled over pros and cons of the other roles on the line for Allison, but her agent agreed that the action series was her best option in every way.

After the meeting with her agent she went shopping for food, getting asked for her autograph three times which was always fun, and then spent a lonely dinner in her condo, dealing with emails and then FaceTiming her parents. As the sun started to dip toward the west, she knew it was time to meet with the tough guy from last night who had so intrigued her.

Changing into a flattering white sundress she slid into sandals, powdered her nose, and freshened her eyeliner and lip gloss. She struggled with all the makeup that was required of her on set. When she wasn’t acting, she kept her makeup light but she wanted to look good for the handsome man she was going to meet.

Striding out her condo door, she paused and sighed. More notes. All of Hollywood laughed at the Sticky Notes Stalker. She wasn’t afraid, more annoyed to be a target. That would be another fabulous change when she signed the next contract, she could afford to move into the house she’d been eyeing on her morning runs near Capistrano Beach, complete with top-of-the-line security cameras and alarms. She’d saved a lot of the money from her last film for a down payment but wanted to secure the next role before she got into a hefty house payment. Her brother, Abe, was a self-made billionaire and would’ve happily bought her the house and paid for round-the-clock personal security, especially if he knew she had a weirdo stalker. She loved that about her brother, but she wanted to buy the house herself.

She rolled her eyes as she took a picture of the notes on her phone and sent it to the kind, older detective assigned to her case. Detective Jones would come by as soon as he could, take the notes for evidence, try to get fingerprints, look over the footage from the security cameras she’d installed herself after the first sticky note decorations appeared a few weeks ago. She obviously needed to pay for higher-quality cameras. All they’d seen so far was a grainy image of a slightly taller than average man covered from head to toe in black.

Detective Jones texted back that he’d be there at nine. She sent back a thumbs up and headed for her car. Parking her Civic in the Salt Creek Beach parking lot, she jogged down to the sand, staring up at the mansions on Monarch Bay Drive. Some day. She smiled to herself. Truly it might be some day in the far future, but her career was taking off and she couldn’t be more ecstatic. A little lonely for her family and friends back home, but proud, and soon she’d be on set again, busy, and in her element.

She walked along the beach for a while, nodding and smiling at a young family and some sweet couples in love. Was her guy going to come?

As the sun was setting gloriously into the ocean amidst wispy clouds that were lit up all orange and pink, she saw someone running fast from the south. Gazing that direction, she thought his build looked like the guy she’d met last night. Thick and fine. Yum.

He slowed his steps as he reached her, pulling in some quick breaths. He looked incredible in a fitted soft gray shirt and navy blue chinos. His dark hair was cut short but still curled slightly around his forehead and the nape of his neck. His dark eyes looked her over with as sincere a compliment as she’d ever received.

“My apologies for arriving late,” he said, smiling, but it was tight. Something was wrong.

“It was worth it to watch you sprint to me.” She winked. “Thanks for coming.”

His smile became more genuine. “It was worth it to see you looking so beautiful.”

She bit at her lip but couldn’t hide her pleasure. She’d heard she was beautiful many times but the way he said it felt genuine and incredible.

Tilting her head to the side, she said, “Would you like to walk?”

“It would be a pleasure.”

They fell into step, the crashing waves and the seagulls their accompaniment.

“Will you please share your name?” he asked as they walked.

Did he really not recognize her? “Naw.” She snuck a glance at his handsome profile. He talked more formally than a lot of the men she’d known. Raised with wealth or strict parents? Either way it made him even more unique and she liked it. “You don’t get a name that easily, big boy.”

He chuckled. “What does it take to earn a name? Is it as elusive as a phone number?” He was obviously referring to her refusal last night.

“Not quite, but you have to at least prove you’re worthy to know the name.”

“And how do I accomplish that?”

She pursed her lips. “I’m not sure yet but it’ll come to me. Start with telling me all about you.”
