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“I love you too Edge, but now I want you to fuck me and make me yours, forever.”

His answering moan was half growl and half surrendering grunt, “Baby when you talk dirty like that I lose all control.”

“Peter!” I yelled, feeling the approaching climax building in my body with every thrust of his hips. When I released, the pressure and pleasure were too much, and I screamed his name as his own roar of satisfaction echoed loudly in the room the same moment a smile graced my tired lips.

“Forever Rae,” he repeated, pulling me into his arms. “That’s all there is.”

And I couldn’t agree more.


I’ve loved Rae as long as I can remember so when she was reunited with Leah and I saw her tears of joy I was genuinely touched. Leah had grown into the sweetest and prettiest little girl and a spitting image of her older sister. Now nearly eight years old she was smart and cute, funny and sweet, and I felt a protective surge deep in my chest.

Protecting Rae and her sister was an important part of who I was, and I knew with certainty it would always be this way. As I watched them climb up into the treehouse, I knew that fate had placed me in Rae’s path, for reasons yet unknown, and despite a sad and broken heart I still loved and needed to be close to her.

I couldn’t have Rae the way I wanted, but I could watch out for her sister Leah and keep her safe. Some part of me was tied to this little girl in ways I couldn’t describe or fully understand. We were family. Blood. Linked by a race that held powers none of us knew or could describe.

As I stood in the backyard of Rae’s old house and watched Leah poke her head out of the window of the treehouse, everything seemed to make sense. This was right. It felt like home, all of us here, together. I’ve moved in and taken one of the guest rooms as my own. We’re going to make this house happy again like it was when Ron was alive.

Leah was going to grow up safe with the people who loved her the most.

Pete rented his house to Jake and Hayley since we didn’t need it. The RRMC was working through our issues. Everything was just about perfect. Almost. So close.

There was just one problem.

No one else had paid attention. They forgot Mack’s words, but I remembered.

I knew.

If Riders needed to return home and someone was sent to bring them back, what dangers lurked out in the universe? And were they coming here to Earth?
