Page 26 of Alice in Chains

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It’s terrifying.

“I can’t wait to leave marks on her perfect flesh. She is a fresh canvas for us to work on.”

“Oh, yes. Lovely skin. I want to see it in shades of red and pink, black and blue.”

I cry out as theswooshof a leather strap connects with the skin of my left breast. Taken aback, my eyes shoot open and I yell out again as the leather pierces my skin, catching on the edge of my nipple.

“Good girl,” Rex purrs as his hand reaches down and slaps my pussy.

“She’s wet,” he divulges as he grins at his brother.

“Not like the othersat all.” Reed smirks as he trails the crop along my upper thighs.


I’m in shock as the leather sears my skin, leaving bright red welts in its wake.

“Too bad she belongs to the Master. Maybe he’ll hand us over a gold card one of these days. I sure would love to feel this fresh little pussy wrapped around my cock.”

“Better yet, I’d love to fuck both her tight holes at once.”

They laugh as I squirm.

Reed shoves a finger inside of me roughly, and I wince from the harsh invasion. My reaction is only causing them more delight as they enjoy their demented show. The Master wants me to know I am only a toy. A sexy plaything and a tight hole to be used by any man who wishes.

My nightmare, my instruction, has only just begun.

Over and over, they lash at my body with paddles, whips, and floggers, each taking turns as they bring me to the edge, passing into euphoria and then yanking me out with brutality. It is a beating that is meant for punishment. Denial that is intended for suffering.

“You will learn to be ours, little girl! You’re a part of us, now!”

Their words are meant to incite fear in the weakest of minds. Even at their mercy, I refuse to be broken further. I refuse to lose myself completely.

Soon, my fight or flight response sends me reeling into a trance, a semi-conscious awareness where I float in an almost inebriated state, accepting the pain that is incessantly brought down upon my flesh. I can’t stop it. I have no control.

Or, do I?

Something shatters in my head, the pulsing pain throbbing behind my eyes as I blink.

Shattering. Breaking. Splintering.

I am no longer as I was.

* * *

Through the thick fog,flashes of light were breaking through, penetrating my mind and enabling glimpses of reality to shine through with beams of cold, hard truth.

I wasn’t in that same place I had first walked into hours ago. Not really.

For the first time, I began to catch these moments of clarity as they exposed the world around me in a new and frightening way.

The palace of moments ago changed and morphed from the glittering marble halls and Grecian style pillars to the rusted metal pipes and gray, drab concrete of a basement. The dingy, small space was nothing like the opulent interior I was staring at minutes ago.

The delicate silver chains that dangled around my wrists and ankles had reflected the white light of a gilded palace, now they were weathered leather straps that forced my body tightly against the remnants of mildew and rotten wood. Platinum from the chains and the ornate decor swirled in my head and melted like liquid magma at my feet, sucked deep down into the drains that filtered into the sewers below ground.

All pretense dropped.

And for the first time, I saw Wonderland as it truly was - an underground facility used for a single, terrifying purpose.
