Page 36 of Alice in Chains

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Every instinct in my body strained against the urge to strike him down.

I grimaced as he straightened my tie and tapped a finger on my chest. “I’ll be seeing you again soon, Doctor.”

“I’ll be looking forward to it.” The sarcastic tone in my voice wasn’t missed.

He paused briefly as he reached the door. “Careful, Doctor, wouldn’t want to be misinterpreted and then what would happen to that handsome head of yours. Good Evening, Zachary.”

“Good evening, Dominic.”

The door slammed shut behind him and I smashed the empty glass against the window in fury. Shattered shards scattered across the floor and I seethed as the brisk winter wind swept through the room. That same frigid air cloaking me in its daggers as it cooled my temper but not my rage. Yet, I relished in it, needing the icy reminder that I was still alive. I was still here and so was my Alice.

Now was the time to start moving my own plan into place. I would take down Wonderland piece by piece.

Nothing was going to stand in my way.


Chapter 11


Dr. Coburn sat staringat me, his eyes trying to read my thoughts and access my memories. I’d remained silent for the last hour, refusing to speak.

“Talk to me, Alice. You can’t stay in that state forever.”

My suspicions had given way to clarity over the last few days.

I knew he was sent to ruin me. I just wasn’t certain to what extent he had gone to complete that task.

How fucked up in the head was I already?

Would I ever be able to recognize reality?

Were my thoughts so corrupt, I couldn’t tell truth from fiction?

“Are you afraid of me, Alice?”

In a wavered whisper, I responded. “Yes.”

He sighed and nodded a couple of times as he took that little bit of information in. “Good. Fear is good, Alice.” His response both agitated and confused me. He was speaking in riddles again and I was slowly getting pissed off.

“Enjoy yourself while you can, Doctor. Your entertainment won’t last much longer.”

“You think I find entertainment in this?” he asked, bemused. “I’m far fromentertained, little girl. I’m irritated and annoyed by these damned uncertainties!”

He slammed his notepad down on the floor and stood in a rare display of temper, his hands perched on his hips as he stared down his nose with a prideful sneer. “You go back and forth in this nonsensical world of yours. You choose fantasy whenever it suits your whim. Clarity when you want to manipulate. Choose your path wisely, Alice, or stay in this fog-like state forever. I’m done helping you.”

He was genuinely upset, like what he wanted all along didn’t come to fruition. Was that where his frustration originated? Did he expect me to come out of this fog on my own?

I stared down at my chains, my mind spinning. “Wait!”

My cry stopped him in his tracks, halfway to the door. “Wait, please. Please don’t go. Don’t walk away.” The desperation in my voice sounded too close to hysteria.

He turned to me then, his eyes full of a pain I hadn’t quite yet experienced. “Will you talk to me?”

I nodded. Anything to have him stay. I didn’t want to be alone. Not today.

“I’ll speak.”
