Page 55 of Alice in Chains

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“I’d do anything for you, Alice.” I spoke those last words with heartbroken conviction, unsure if she truly believed they were true.

She kissed me then, a soft lingering breath on my lips. And just as quickly as it came, the feeling fluttered away. In one moment, I had her in my arms, and in the next the door slammed as she walked out of them.

The light scent of her lavender perfume was all that was left of her as I sank down on the empty mattress of the bed, my fingers clenching the sheets that still held her warmth.

My heart was truly broken but I knew this wouldn’t last forever. I would always be here for Alice. When she was ready, I’d welcome her with open arms.

After all, that was what we did when we loved someone enough to let them go.

Thinking of my Katrina, I lifted my head and peered out into the dark night at the glittering stars. "I listened, love. I let her go just like you asked me to do, the way I was unable to do with you."

I walked across the room and pressed my palm flat against the cool glass as Alice ran off into the night, heading directly into the parking lot where my car and freedom awaited.

“Run, Alice. Go find your White Knight,” I whispered, “but I can assure you Iwillfind you. You can’t escape me forever, my love. You belong to me. There’s only so long I can wait until I see you again.”

The heat of my breath fogged up the window and I used my fingertip to draw a heart, the symbol of Wonderland. It had so many treacherous meanings now. Inside, I wrote her name and inhaled a deep breath, ready to make my own escape. The Queen and the Cat were going to come after me now, but I had my own secrets and I’d gathered plenty of evidence against Wonderland. Nothing would stop me now.

As long as I lived and breathed, I’d find a way to survive and reunite with my Alice.

She was my light in the lonely darkness . . .

And I was her anchor in the madness that consumed us both.



A dark shadow shifts across the room

Watching closely as Alice’s world unravels.

Nothing stops the leering doom

One he creates with his own devils.

The leather chaircreaks in a familiar way as I lean back against the cushion, watching intently as I am slowly being betrayed. Oh, how easily they forget that my cameras record everything and never stop, day or night. The four padded walls that have held my Alice secure are now being shattered before my eyes. She’s escaping and it’s all Zachary’s fault.

They have no idea what they’ve done or how deeply they’ve fucked up. I won’t be made a fool. I’ll never allow their defiance to go unpunished. They’ve pushed me to take drastic action, something I truly didn’t want to do. Until now.

I can’t wait for my little surprise to be revealed. All my careful planning will come to fruition. My little bird won’t flee the cage for long. She belongs there, between the golden bars where I will always keep my devious little Alice.

The Doctor did one thing correctly, despite his massively disappointing choices.

Alice still doesn’t know what happened that night in that dark alley. She has no idea what she's done. When my sweet little slave finds out who she truly is, she'll come back to me. I’m the only one who can protect her. I’m the only one who can keep the Queen’s wrath from consuming Alice completely. She’ll realize eventually that I’m her savior, not that bastard doctor.

Everything that has transpired starts and ends with that one wrong deed.

A night that will haunt her forever. A night that ruined her yet helped me in the most intricate of ways. I couldn’t have planned it better, even if I tried. Everything fit perfectly that night. But her sins will catch up with her sooner or later. They always do.

That White Knight of hers isn’t what she thinks he is. There are darker entities at play here. Pawns that have been intricately placed to bring her back to me where she belongs. The good Doctor is only a part of the game, but now it’s been forced to change and adapt.

Time for round two.

I smile, steepling my fingers over my flat stomach as my grin widens and I catch my reflection in the mirror. Funny, I never noticed before this moment how very Cheshire and feline my expression can turn. It’s proof that in Wonderland, everything and everyone is tainted by the darkness and fantasy that originates with the Queen.

No one is left untouched.

“My sweet Alice,” I whisper aloud as she escapes on camera, “the madness doesn’t stop here. It’s only beginning.”
