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Chapter Twelve

Within the first 60 seconds of interacting with Carter, it becomes clear to Nathan that the boy didn’t sleep well. In fact, it seems he may not have slept at all. It’s unlike him. Since they finally got on the same page the other night, Carter’s been the perfect slave. He’s quiet and obedient, no longer hesitating, no longer crying. They haven’t had sex since then, though Carter gave him a fantastic blowjob when Nathan had accidentally gotten hard while he was warming Nathan’s cock after dinner. A blowjob that Carter had – after making eye contact and arching an eyebrow in question – initiated himself. They’ve even found a rhythm together when alone at night, talking about nothing important with a particular ease as they take baths or lay side by side in bed.

Carter not sleeping isn’tgood.

“Sweetheart?” Nathan says for a second time, snapping his fingers in front of the boy’s face.

Carter blinks rapidly, his head lolling on his neck. “Yes, sir?”

“I told you to go use the bathroom.”

“Oh.” Carter rubs the back of his fist against his right eye, nodding. “M’kay… be right back, sir.”

Instead of walking like he usually does, Carter just crawls into the bathroom. His movements are slow, his poor knees slapping against the floor clumsily. Usually he hurries, and perhaps he is, but it still takes him a long time to return to the bedroom. Nathan is almost fully dressed by the time Carter is settled in front of him.

“Want help, sir?” he slurs, blinking sleepily up at Nathan.

“Come here.” Nathan offers his hand, smiling when Carter takes it. He helps the boy stand up, wanting to give his knees a break. Carter is weak on his legs, but he seems strong enough for Nathan to let go. There’s a slight waver to his stance, probably from exhaustion. “Button my shirt.”

Nodding, Carter lazily lifts his arms and begins to work on Nathan’s shirt. He gets halfway through before an adorable frown pulls at his lips. With a little huff, Carter undoes the buttons and restarts, having been off by one. Nathan pretends not to notice because he doesn’t want to have to scold him at all.

When the shirt is finally buttoned properly, Carter’s hands linger at Nathan’s collar. “Do you need a tie, sir?”

Nathan smiles. “Sure. Socks too. Why don’t you pick them out for me from my closet?”

This makes Carter smile. He seems to like helping, something Nathan makes sure to keep in mind.

Nathan gets his belt and watch on while Carter is gone, then lets the boy wrap a navy-blue tie around his neck. When Carter ducks down to put his socks on, Nathan tweaks the tie to fix the absolutely awful knot, smiling to himself. Then he shrugs his suit jacket on while Carter helps him into his shoes. He tries to be as quick as possible when prepping Carter for his plug, not wanting the boy to fall asleep on the damn floor while Nathan works him open. Carter is still awake when the plug settles inside him, but just barely.

Their trip from the bedroom to the dining area is twice as long as usual. Nathan pretends it’s his fault, scrolling through his phone as if he’s distracted reading something. People dart out of his way and don’t question the slow pace. He’s the most important person in the house. It makes perfect sense for him to be too busy to look up during transit.

When they sit down, Nathan carefully maneuvers Carter to his usual spot on the floor between his legs. He wishes no one was around so he could put a cushion down for him. Maybe he’ll do it in his office whenever they’re alone today. That’s not too soft. Surely men like him do that for their slaves sometimes.

“What would you like this morning, sir?” a house slave asks.

“A little bit of everything today. Two waters, one with a straw, and a coffee.”

The slave hurries off, Nathan’s focus returning to Carter. He gently drags his knuckles along Carter’s right cheek. There are so many things he wants to say to the boy. So many things he wants to do with him.

But everyone at the table is getting their cock warmed or sucked, and Nathan should be doing the same. He pulls himself from his pants and guides Carter’s head to his lap. The boy’s eyes are barely open, but he parts his lips and accepts the soft cock that Nathan gently nudges into his mouth. Nathan watches him pathetically try to keep his head up on his neck before cupping the back of it and pressing him down so he’s resting on Nathan’s thigh. The boy sighs in content, eyes blinking slowly a few times before they finally fall shut for good.

The food is brought out just seconds later. It breaks Nathan’s heart to see the way Carter perks up at the smell, eyes flying open. He starts to move closer to Nathan as if he wants to climb up and eat, deflating right away when he remembers his place. Nathan’s not sure what the issue is. He’s been fed properly the past few days, not a meal skipped. He takes note of the reaction to be dealt with later, deciding to feed the boy now instead of making him wait like other slaves.

Slipping his thumb into Carter’s mouth, Nathan tugs his bottom lip down and lets his cock fall out. He casually takes a small piece of scrambled egg between his fingers, making sure he doesn’t look suspicious. Hopefully he won’t get caught, but if one of his men does happen to see that he’s sharing his actual breakfast with his slave, Nathan needs to look bored with it. Like he has too much to do today to deal with a second meal after this.

Carter stares up at him with wide eyes when the egg is placed on his tongue. He waits for Nathan to give him an encouraging nod before closing his mouth and carefully chewing it. Nathan takes the chance to have his own bite. They go back and forth for a while with the eggs before Nathan switches to his bacon. Carter’s eyes light up bright as the flavor hits his tongue. He makes a small humming sound and grins up at Nathan, reminding him of a happy puppy.

Nathan doesn’t take a single bite of bacon, letting Carter have it all. He lets Carter have all of the strawberries too. Though, he’ll admit that’s partly because he really enjoys watching Carter suck his fingers clean.

In between bites, Nathan makes sure to give his boy some water, angling the bendy straw so Carter barely has to lift his head from Nathan’s thigh to drink. The more he eats, the sleepier he gets. By the time they finish, he’s stopped bothering opening his eyes at all, just parting his lips whenever food or a straw is pressed to them.

He’s asleep by the time Nathan’s ready to leave for his office. Pretending to be annoyed for the benefit of his men, Nathan shoves his chair back and puts Carter over his shoulder before standing up. People laugh when the sleepy boy jolts awake with a cry. Jason slaps his barely-healed ass and winks at Nathan. “Looks like you tired him out last night, boss.”

Mica gives Carter a patronizing pat and says, “Don’t worry, boy. Your master’ll wake you up real good.”

Carter winds up clinging to Nathan by the end of the walk down the hall, his fingers holding the back of his suit jacket in a death grip. His poor, tired body is shaking non-stop. He’s clearly freaked out by the hits and comments. Nathan doesn’t blame him.

When they get to his office, Nathan sits Carter on the center of his desk where there are no papers or files and kisses his forehead. “You’re not in trouble, sweetheart. My men don’t decide when you’re in trouble.”
