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Chapter Thirteen

Something shifts in Carter after Nathan’s confession, something Nathan should be nervous about, but can’t get himself to be. It’s a subtle shift. Less fear, more trust. Less panic, more calm. Less weight on his shoulders, more easy breaths. Nathan just hopes like hell no one can sense it when they look at him.

Nathan puts Carter in his usual place for dinner, having him keep his cock warm like the rest of the slaves. The men are nearly all at the table already, house slaves beginning to bring the meal in.

“Hey boss, you hear about Miller?” Jason asks from his spot to Nathan’s left, 2 chairs down.

“Is there recent news on Miller?” Nathan asks.

“He’s attending the event this weekend.”

Nathan internally rolls his eyes while keeping his outward expression impassive.As if he wouldn’t know that. “Yes, he is.”

“Are we planning something?”

“Not as of now.” Nathan crooks a finger at the closest house slave, saying he wants his usual night drink. He looks down at Carter next, not bothering to meet Jason’s eye. “All of you will be informed if that changes.”

Nathan raises his gaze, scanning the entire table now as he declares in a cold, dangerous voice, “No one will provoke or initiate any sort of action unless specifically told, understood?”

The men nod vigorously, some giving him verbal confirmation.

Thankfully, Benny shows up before Nathan has to deal with the idiots any longer. He slides into his seat directly to the right of Nathan’s and passes Nathan a small slip of paper without looking at him. Nathan brings the paper to his lap, tilting it away from Carter’s view, and reads it.

Check-in by 2200.

Nathan squeezes the paper in his hand and stuffs it into his pocket, giving Benny a slight nod. He skipped his check-in last night with Maison, wanting to avoid the topic of a meeting that’s happening tomorrow, and he knows Maison’s probably pissed. It’s not the first check-in he’s missed, it’s not until 3 in a row are missed that anyone panics, but it’s different now that Carter’s in the picture. Funny thing is, Carter’s the whole reason Nathan hadn’t wanted to check-in.

Todd Henley is coming for a visit tomorrow.

Just the thought of it makes Nathan sick to his stomach.

Carter’s hand cups the back of Nathan’s calf, giving it a gentle squeeze. Nathan looks down at him in question, watching as the boy gives him a comforting smile around his soft cock, as if he knows the paper bothered Nathan and he wants to make it better. It should be concerning. Nathan should shut that shit down. It’s not good for the boy to be able to read him so well, and it’s certainly not okay for the boy to act like they’re lovers or some shit like that.

Yet, that little smile makes Nathan’s chest feel lighter, air filling his lungs for the first time in far too long, and Nathan can’t get himself to stop that. With everything he’s dealing with, surely he can give himself this one thing, right? A guilty pleasure of sorts. Carter feeling safe, Carter beinghappy, will be Nathan’s guilty pleasure.

As long as he keeps it in check, of course.


After finishing his dinner and feeding Carter the slave's meal, sir brings Carter to the bedroom. Despite his naps, Carter is still wrung out and exhausted. He can’t help but perk up when they get close to the bed, deflating when sir walks him right past it.

Sir chuckles. “Thought you were going to bed, sweetheart?”

“Yes, sir.” Carter looks at sir sheepishly. “Sorry, sir.”

“Don’t be sorry. You’ll be able to sleep soon.” Sir pauses, turning to face him. He cups Carter’s face in his big hands, giving Carter a soft smile as his thumbs stroke along his cheekbones. “I’d just like to clean you up first.”

Carter blushes as he takes stock of his body, realizing cum is dried on his stomach, he’s sticky between his ass cheeks, and sir’s cum has dripped down his thighs from around his plug. If sir notices his sudden shyness, he doesn't point it out. He just guides Carter into the bathroom, instructs him to use the toilet, and begins running a bath. Carter can smell the oils he puts in, humming in appreciation. They're something else today, not the same as before, but they smell just as divine.

When they get in the tub, sir pulls Carter close right away, pasting Carter's back to his chest, their legs and arms tangling. It feels strangely intimate.

It feelsnice.

“Tell me something about yourself,” sir requests, just like he had last time when they had argued about Carter being lucky despite his circumstances.

Carter echoes the past as well, asking, “Like what, sir?”

“Mmm.” Sir runs the tip of his nose along the shell of Carter’s ear before nuzzling the sensitive spot behind it. “Something happy.”
