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The bar was packed tonight, and Kai was looking forward to her break. All she wanted to do was put her feet up, but as one of only two waitresses working tonight, that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

“Can I get another beer, honey?” one of the big bikers asked at the bar.

“Absolutely,” she said. “I’ll let the bartender know that you’re looking for him.” She wasn’t supposed to work behind the bar. She was hired as a waitress for the dining room. Ryker’s new wife had set the place up and she had to admit, it was looking so much classier than when she first interviewed for the job.

With all of the upgrades to the bar, customers were coming in every night and the place was usually packed, which wasn’t a bad thing for her. She was making good money in tips and that would really help with her college bills for the next year. One more year of books, classes, and writing papers and she’d be a teacher. Kai wanted to be an elementary school teacher but would take whatever she could get. She still had one semester to decide which grade she’d like to teach, but she was thinking second grade would be a perfect fit for her. Then, she’d have her nights free and wouldn’t need to work until two in the morning and drink a pot of coffee to stay up and finish her classwork. She was burning the candle at both ends and Kai was exhausted.

Ryker was working behind the bar tonight and she nodded to the guy at the end. “He wants another beer,” she said.

“Thanks for the heads up,” he said. “I talked to Taz about you hanging out in the kitchen with him.”

“Thanks,” she said. “I am not a cook, and I could use any pointers he’d want to give. If I don’t pass this class, I’ll be short one elective. I took it as an easy A and now, I’m worried it will be my toughest class. What did he say?”

“Taz said that he’d be open to it,” he said. Ryker smiled at her, and she wondered if he was telling her the truth or not.

“Really?” she asked.

“Yep,” he said. “He’s back there now if you want to take your break. I’ll cover your tables.”

“You’re a lifesaver, Ryker,” she said. “Thank you.”

“Not a problem,” he said. “Good luck.” She wanted to ask him if she’d need luck but decided against it. If Taz didn’t want her in his kitchen, she’d just have to convince him otherwise.

She walked back to the kitchen and knew that Taz had spotted her standing in the corner, even though he was doing his best to ignore her. God, he was good-looking. He reminded her of a Viking with his long, ginger hair and beard. He looked like he worked out and the way his muscles bulged under his dark t-shirt made her want to run her hands all over him and trace his tattoos with her tongue.

She knew that the guys in the club called him Joker because he liked to joke around. He was funny and she liked that in a guy, but he didn’t pay a bit of attention to her as the other guys had. Hell, most nights, she was telling a handful of bikers that she had a boyfriend waiting for her at home when they’d ask her to spend the night with them. Sure, it was a lie, but it spared their feelings and that was important to her future tips. Kai wasn’t looking for a one-night stand, like most women her age. Her college friends were all about hooking up with a guy and then moving on after their night of fun was over. That wasn’t her style—never was. She wanted someone to count on. Someone that she could cuddle up to night after night. Hell, she’d love to cuddle up next to the big biker standing in the corner of the kitchen, doing his best to ignore her right now, but she had a feeling that he wouldn’t take her up on her offer.

Kai cleared her throat and he turned to look at her. “What can I do for you, Kai?” he asked.

What was it about this man that made her feel so tongue-tied? She was usually so confident and sure about herself. “Um, Ryker said that he spoke to you about me shadowing you around the kitchen a few nights. I’m in a culinary class at school and well, let’s just say that cooking isn’t my strong suit.”

“I’m not sure how I can help you,” he said. “I mean unless you’re looking to learn how to cook burgers and fries.”

“You and I both know that you cook more than that, Taz,” she said. “I mean, I serve the food to the customers.”

He rolled his eyes and sighed, “I’m just not sure that I can help you, Kai,” he said.

“Why not?” she asked. “I mean, you cook, and I don’t but need to learn. Plus, Ryker told me that you have been trained by the best in France. Why not give me a few pointers to help me pass this class?” she asked.

“Shit,” he grumbled. “Ryker was supposed to keep that to himself. He’s the only person around here that I’ve told that to.”

“Listen, I’m willing to keep your secret,” she offered. “If you’ll give me a few lessons. What do you say?” she asked. Yeah, she was being an ass, putting him on the spot like that, but she was desperate.

“I say that sounds like blackmail,” he said. “Are you studying to become a lawyer?” he asked.

“Um, no,” she said. “I’m going to be an elementary school teacher. Why?”

“You just seem a bit too cutthroat for an elementary school teacher,” he assessed.

“Haven’t you ever heard that old saying—don’t judge a book by it's cover? I mean, I wouldn’t have you pegged as a French chef just by looking at you,” she said.

“Point taken,” he grumbled. “Fine—you keep my little secret and I’ll give you a few pointers. But, not here,” he said. “I don’t want the rest of the guys finding out that I’m helping you. They’ll never let me live it down.”

“All right,” she agreed. “How about my place?”

“Please tell me you don’t live in a dorm room or a sorority house on campus,” he said.

“No,” Kai said. “I live off-campus in a nice little apartment. I have a cat and they wouldn’t let me bring her with me to the dorms. Plus, I’m not in a sorority. So, how about it? Will you come to my apartment and give me cooking lessons?”

“Fine,” he agreed. “My only night off is Monday since we’re closed.” She had class Monday afternoon but could make the evening work.

“How about five? You can teach me how to cook dinner and then, we’ll both walk away from these lessons with full bellies. I’ll even buy all the food. You’ll just need to give me a list.”

“Okay,” he agreed. “This Monday at five. Text me your address,” he said. The employees all had each other’s numbers to call in for backup. The rule was, that if you couldn’t work your shift, you found your replacement. That way, Ryker didn’t have to spend his time looking for someone to take your shift.

“Will do,” she agreed. “And Taz—thank you!” He nodded and turned back to his griddle to work on the burgers. She wasn’t sure if having the big, sexy biker over to her place was a good idea or not, but she wasn’t going to think too hard about it. She needed his help, and it didn’t matter how good-looking she found him.
