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“Yes,” she said. Kai wanted to tell him that she had no plans on sticking around, but then she thought about Gabe finally being caught red-handed, and she had to admit, she liked that idea.

“The good news is that he doesn’t know that we’re here to rescue you. But we’ll have to keep the cops from storming the castle. If Gabe catches on that he’s being set up, we’ll never get him,” Ryker said.

“I think that I have a plan,” she said.

“Jesus,” Ryker grumbled. “When Harlow says that to me, I know to be worried. Should I worry, Kai?” he asked.

“Yep,” she said.

“Got the keys,” Taz said, holding up the little set of keys to the handcuffs. “Let’s get you out of here.”

“I’m thinking that we might need to stick around,” she said. Poor Taz looked at her as if he thought that she lost her mind. “I have a plan.”

“Shit,” Ryker said, “you weren’t lying when you said that I should be worried.”

“It’s a good plan,” she said. Taz undid her handcuffs, and she rubbed her numb wrists. He pulled his pocket knife out of his back pocket and sliced through the ropes that bound her ankles.

“Let’s hear it,” Taz said.

“Do you still have the number for the detective who came out to my apartment the night of the break-in?” she asked.

He pulled out his wallet and thumbed through it, pulling out the business card that she had been given that night. “Here,” he said.

“Great, can I use your cell phone?” she asked, holding out her hand.

“You want to tell us the plan first?” Ryker asked.

“No, if you’re right, and the security guy is going to call this in, then this place will be swarming with cops in no time. We need to stop that for my plan to work. Just trust me,” she begged.

“I already do,” Taz said, putting his cell phone into her open palm. “Make the call.”
