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“Here,” Taz said, “you do it. I’m so pissed off right now, I’ll say all the wrong things.” He handed the phone to Kai.

“No,” she said, handing the phone back to him, “I’m still too shaky to text anyone. You do it.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Ryker growled, taking the phone from Taz, “I’ll do it. How about I text him something like, ‘Come get your woman. I think she’s sick.’ Does that work?” he asked.

“Yes,” the detective said, coming back in through the front door. “You still need to move your truck.”

“I’ll move it,” Taz said, holding his hand out for Ryker’s keys. He handed them over and sent the text. By the time Taz parked the truck down the road and ran back up to the frat house, the message had been sent. He was surprised that Gabe messaged back so quickly. Gabe’s reply of, “What the fuck, I told you to leave her crazy ass alone,” made Taz want to reach through the phone and chock the guy.

“Should I text back or leave it alone?” Ryker asked.

“Text him to get his ass back here,” the detective ordered, “and then, give me the phone. I want to look through to see if that guy is an accomplice to kidnapping or if he’s just a stupid kid who didn’t know what he was getting himself into.”

“Can you look in his phone without a warrant?” Ryker asked.

“No, but I can hold his phone as evidence until I get the warrant to search it. If we give it back to him, he might lose it between here and lock up, if given the chance.”

“Smart,” Kai said. “I was groggy when we got here. Gabe gave me something to knock me out, so I don’t remember much about him or being brought in here.”

“We’re going to call for an ambulance once this is all over and I want you to get checked out, honey,” Taz insisted.

“I’m fine,” she countered.

“I don’t care,” he said. “I want to be sure that you’re okay.”

“All right,” she agreed.

“You three need to go upstairs and stay there. I’ll be the one who meets Mr. Miller in the basement when he gets back,” the detective said.

“What about your backup?” Kai asked. “They aren’t here yet.”

“They got here about three minutes ago,” the detective said. “They are both stationed outside—one at the front door and one at the back.”

“So, we are supposed to just sit back and do nothing?” Taz asked.

“Well, now that you’ve asked, I could use one of you to be a decoy. The basement will be dark, and I just need a warm body sitting in the chair. How about it?” he asked.

“I’ll do it,” Taz offered.

“What about him?” Ryker asked, looking back to the frat boy who was tied up and gagged in the kitchen. “He’ll make a ruckus and ruin the whole plan.”

“I’ll have my guys put him into my car down the street. He’ll be safe there until his buddy can join him. Can you find a pad of paper and a pen? Write a quick note saying that he got bored waiting and went to the party. That will explain why the house is empty. Gabe will have no choice but to come downstairs to look for Kai.”

“And that’s when he’ll find me in the chair,” Taz said.

“He’s got a gun,” Kai reminded.

“So do I,” the detective said. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen.” She nodded and the detective called over his radio for one of his guys to come in and collect the frat boy.

“You’ll be careful, right?” Kai asked.

“I will be,” he promised.

“Good,” she whispered, “I just found you and I don’t want to lose you now.”

“You’re not going to lose me, honey,” Taz promised. “In fact, I was kind of hoping that after this is all done, you’d want to marry me.”

“Marry you?” she asked.
