Page 284 of Love Bites

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“I’m really sorry, Vi, but I made plans for that night before remembering that I’d told you I’d babysit.” Her tone overflowed with apology.

“That’s okay. I’m the ditz who forgot that you and I had made girls’ night plans and dumped you for Wolfgang.” Some great friend I was.

Natalie continued. “I’d call and reschedule …”

Maybe I could get Harvey to hang out with the kids. It’s not like he had to change diapers or anything.

“But I really want to have dinner with Doc.”

“Doc?” The sound of his name brought me to an abrupt stop next to a yellow VW bug.

“Yeah, Doc Nyce. He had to cancel last night. Something about a friend needing his help at the last minute.”

“Oh, really?” Hmpff!Friend, huh? For the record, I certainly hadn’t needed Doc’s help. I kicked the VW’s front tire.

“To make up for cancelling,” Natalie said, oblivious to the fact that I was looking for something to break, punch, or throw, “he said he has a special gift to give me Saturday night.”

Don’t ask, don’t ask, don’t ask. “What is it?” The jealous troll in my stomach asked.

“He wouldn’t say. He wants it to be a surprise.”

I swallowed a groan.

Natalie giggled. “I can’t wait.”

“I bet.”

“I think he’s the one, Violet.”

No!Falling back against the bug, I hugged my stomach with my free arm.

“The one who will help you finally get over Mr. Clean?” I misunderstood on purpose, not wanting her to mean what I was 99.9 percent sure she meant.

“No, silly. Theoneone.”

The last time Natalie had foundthe one, it had taken her two years to fall out of love with the jackass, in spite of his blatant on-and-off-again affair with a barmaid out of Custer.

“Oh, that one.” I bent over, practically kissing the white parking line, waiting for my light-headed feeling to pass.

“Yeah, that one.” Natalie giggled again. The sound of it made me cringe.

“Aren’t you jumping the gun a little here, Nat?” Breathe, breathe, breathe. “You’re supposed to be on sabbatical. You barely know the guy.”

Neither did I, but so what. Doc was mine. We’d flirted, laughed, talked about sex, scoped out a possible suspect’s house together. Hell, we were practically dating.

“I know enough. He’s kind, giving to his friends, drop-dead sexy, and runs his own business. I’d bet my lucky G-string that he is a god in bed. How could he not be with that body? Right?”

“Right.” No argument there. After all the time I’d put in fantasizing about Doc’s body, just the sight of his naked bits and pieces would glaze my pastry.

“Plus, I got this vibe from him when I was at his office.”

I knew about the vibe, too. Doc was a regular electrical substation.

She sighed in that Scarlett O’Hara, dreaming-about-Rhett way. “I can’t explain it exactly. I just know he’s the one.”

“So, you’re staking a claim?” My aching gut already knew the answer.

“Definitely. Consider him staked.”
