Page 285 of Love Bites

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Fuck!Much more of this conversation and my ears would start bleeding. “That’s great, Natalie. Listen, I have to go. Mona needs me.”

“Sure. Oh, one more thing. Your blind date is back in town.”

“What blind date?” The ache in my gut seemed to be scrambling my memory.

“You know, the Trekkie. I gave him your number yesterday. He said he’d get a hold of you soon.”

“I can’t wait.” My tone said otherwise.

“Don’t be that way, Vi. You’re going to love him. If it makes you feel better, Doc and I could double with you two on your first date.”

Oh, Jesus! What sweet torture that would be. “I gotta go.”

“Call me later.”

No. I couldn’t. I needed a break from her Doc-filled sonnets. “Will do. Bye.”

I snapped my phone closed and hurled it into the stand of pine trees. Then I remembered that Jane had given me that phone my first day on the job. “Hells bells!”

I chased after it.

* * *

When I pushedopen Calamity Jane’s back door at noon, Doc was leaning against the trunk of his Camaro, waiting for me, wearing the same khakis and white button-up shirt he’d had on last night. He still looked positively scrumptious, and I still couldn’t do anything about it. Clamping my teeth together to keep my tongue from panting, I paused to slide my sunglasses on and shield my peepers from his prying gaze. The man saw way too much for my own good.

“I love those boots,” he said as I approached.

“Thanks.” I pretended to fish for something in my purse to avoid his eyes. “You ready?”


He led the way to the passenger side and held open the door for me—damn him. The aromatic mix of leather and cologne filled my lungs as the door shut behind me, spurring a rash of goosebumps up and down my arms.

Frickin’ frack! What was wrong with me? I was acting like a backseat virgin. Doc was just a client, and I was just a single mom who couldn’t stop drooling over tasty man flesh. I needed to focus on Wolfgang and rekindle my lust for his golden locks.

Doc crawled behind the wheel. “Are you cold?”

“No.” I needed a space suit to hide in. I crossed my arms, trying to cover my goosebumps with my hands. “Mona is waiting for us at the house.”

“What’s going on, Violet?”

I shoved a smile on my lips and glanced at him. “Nothing. I just have a lot on my mind right now.”

He stuck the key in the ignition and the Camaro rumbled to life. “Are you worried about tonight?”

Tonight? Oh, that was right. The Wild Pasque, seven o’clock, reservation underAdelynn. My secret admirer. “A little.”

He backed out of the parking spot. “You should let Harvey hang out at a nearby table.”

I didn’t want to discuss my pending date unless Doc wanted to take my secret admirer’s place across the table. I pointed toward the street. “Take a left at the Stop sign.”

Doc obeyed without comment, but the little chirp of his tires after he turned and hit the gas spoke volumes.

“Take another left up here onto Cemetery Street.”

He followed, his knuckles white on the steering wheel.

“Left on Lincoln.”
