Page 298 of Love Bites

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“I don’t know.” Addy’s forehead puckered. “What should I use?”

“Chicken feed, I guess.” Wolfgang looked at Layne, whose glower now included crossed arms. “What do you think?”

“I don’t care.”

I sighed and aimed a glare at the little monster.

Harvey reached over and ruffled the back of Layne’s hair. “Show some respect, young man.”

“Sorry,” Layne muttered, scowling at his shoes.

“It’s okay,” Wolfgang let Layne off the hook with another dazzling smile.

“How about some worms?” Harvey said to Addy. “My chickens love digging for worms.”


“Sure. After your mom leaves, how ‘bout we go hunting for some juicy night crawlers?”

“Okay!” Addy jumped up and down, her excitement bubbling over.

Layne nodded, his sheepish grin replacing the frown.

Wolfgang stood. “That sounds like our cue to leave, Violet. You ready?”

Ready to get this night over with. “Yep.”

I stepped back for Wolfgang to pass into the living room. I started to follow on his heels, then paused. “I’ll be right there, Wolfgang.”

Back in the kitchen, I kissed and hugged Layne goodbye first.

“Mom,” he whispered, clinging to me. “Don’t go.”

I unwound his arms from my neck. “Sweetie, stop—”

“I don’t like him.”

“You barely know him.”

“He’s weird.”

Spoken by a boy who once crammed Mexican jumping beans up his nose in hopes of bouncing to the moon. “Give him a chance, Layne.” At least until I unloaded his house. “Wolfgang was kind enough to let you have that toy train. The least you could do is be nice in return.”

Layne’s gaze dropped, his lower lip protruding a bit. “Fine, but he can’t move in with us.”

“Of course not.” Sharing my bed with a man under Aunt Zoe’s roof would be like skinny dipping in holy water. I ruffled Layne’s hair and turned to Addy, who beamed at me.

“I’m not too old to be a flower girl, Mother.”

“Dream on, daughter.” I hugged and then kissed her.

“Do I get a kiss, too?” Harvey snickered.

I pointed at his beard. “You have some crumbs.”

“I’m supposed to. I’m an old man.”

“Not that old.” I patted my crazy curls and adjusted my spaghetti straps. “I’ll be home before nine.”
