Page 823 of Love Bites

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He forced her eyes to his. “Youarehappy aren’t you?”

She’d worked hard with Renner’s crew, and earned enough money to pay back everything she owed to the lodge and more than half of the items in her notebook. Just as he’d expected, with every item she replaced, her heart got a little lighter. She’d even made contact with her sister in Florida, and they were working through their past family hurts. Things seemed to be going according to plan.

“Of course I am. It’s just… are you? Do I make you happy? Even with all the problems I’ve caused?”

“Do you make me…” Eagan laughed. This woman. None of her problems were really problems for him. Not when she was his to take care of. Not when she was his to love and have for the rest of forever. They were just details to be figured out. And he was good at that shit. “Do you see this goofy-ass grin? Do you think I’d wear this if I wasn’t happy as fuck?”

Her lips crept up in her own grin. “It does look pretty dumb. You should probably stop it right away.”

“Never,” he said, kissing her white painted lips to seal his promise.

He pulled back and she wiped the makeup from his mouth.

“Let’s go, mate. Sun will be down soon. We’re going to be late for the scare fest.”

Eagan looped his arm around her shoulders and led his female into the dimming woods.

Clara stopped suddenly, peering at a rock in the path. She bent low, squinting her eyes. Then they went wide with surprise and she made a clicking sound with her tongue. The tiny black head of a lizard poked out from under the rock.

“Hey there,” Clara cooed, her voice going all soft with happiness.

The thing scampered over to her outstretched hand and crawled up the sleeve of her gown.

“What’s that?”

“My skink.” She grinned wide.

“Your what?”

“My skink. He’s a five-lined skink.”

“Yeah. I know, but…”

She watched as the lizard settled on her shoulder. “He was my companion sometimes, in the woods. I thought he’d be hibernating by now.”

Eagan glared at the thing. Before he could stop himself, he let out a loud hiss and the reptile slinked back into her hair.

Clara’s eyes went wide. “Why’d you do that?”

“He smirked at me. I was telling him you’re mine.”

She laughed, standing on her tip-toes to kiss his cheek while the skink looked on from her shoulder. “It’s true. You’ve got something the skink could never offer. It’s kind of a deal breaker.”

“Oh yeah?” He pulled her hips into his, letting her feel his hardness. A reminder of what she’d get tonight after all the spooky stuff was over.

She nodded, a playful gleam in her eye.

“The skink can’t cook.”

* * *
