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Without looking at Liam again, she scurried off, and Belinda’s talk turned back to the market. Even Alex, relishing the chance of getting closer to Ella, was getting bored and they’d just managed to bring the conversation to a close when Alex’s very pointy elbow landed in Liam’s ribs once more.

‘Look who’s gracing us with her presence now. We’re like babe magnets this morning, mate.’

Liam was pretty sure no one referred to themselves as ‘babe magnets’ any more. But he followed Alex’s head tilt and groaned. Katrina Crawley had just come into view and was walking purposefully towards them. She looked magnificent, with her slim hips swinging and her long dark hair streaming behind her.

Any man would be tempted by Katrina. He should be tempted, especially as she’d made it very clear that, in spite of having a long-term boyfriend, she wouldn’t kickhimout of bed. And sometimes he did imagine taking her in his arms and kissing that knowing smile from her beautiful face. It would be so much better than the adolescent fumbles they’d shared as seventeen-year-olds. But his imaginings always stopped at the bedroom door these days, as though Deanna had slammed it shut in their faces.

Basically, he’d changed from an over-sexed Jack the Lad into a boring, celibate farmer with few prospects. And Rosie Merchant, once a total nerd, now had an aura of the exotic about her, and must consider him dull, plodding and provincial. What a turnaround.

‘Well, hello there,’ said Katrina in her breathy voice as she reached the small group. ‘How lovely to see you all. Who was that woman you were talking to?’

‘Rosie Merchant,’ said Belinda. ‘She’s finally made it home, just in time for her mother’s funeral.’

‘Poor, poor Rosie. I heard she was back in the village. She was always a strange one.’

Katrina sidled up so close to Liam he could smell the heady floral perfume she was wearing. She sank onto the chair next to him and leaned across the table. ‘So what are you three up to? Anything I can help with?’

‘We’re talking about rebranding the monthly market,’ said Belinda, frowning at Katrina’s cleavage.

‘Rebranding? Heavens, that sounds exciting.’

‘It’s long overdue. You know me. I don’t like to speak ill of people but the organising team has been coasting rather for the last couple of years without proper leadership and the whole thing needs a shake-up. Why don’t you join us, Katrina? You’d be ideal with your marketing experience.’

‘I’d absolutely love to but I’m afraid I just don’t have the time, Belinda. Running my own business is all-consuming. It’s twenty-four-seven with no holidays and I have to force myself to take time out occasionally. Talking of which…’ When she turned to Liam and clasped his arm, a shiver went through him. ‘Are you going to the dance in the village hall next month? It’ll be fun.’

‘I’m going,’ Alex assured her, but when Katrina continued staring into Liam’s eyes, her mouth pulled into a pretty pout, Liam made a decision. He’d be an idiot to pass up on the chance of some fun after the year he’d had.

‘Yeah, I’ll probably be there, depending on how the lambing’s going.’

‘Well, just make sure you are, or I’ll come and hunt you down in your lambing shed. I can stretch out on the hay and keep you company while you’re doing all the work.’

Belinda narrowed her eyes at that but Katrina had already got to her feet and was tugging down the hem of her very short dress. Her legs seemed to go on forever.

‘Take it easy, boys,’ she said, huskily. ‘Bye, Belinda.’

‘You’ve still got it, mate,’ said Alex, sotto voce, as Belinda tutted quietly and started clearing their cups from the table.

‘Did you ever doubt it?’

Liam watched Katrina’s pert figure disappearing into the distance. Only a fool would turn down Katrina and the truth was, he was getting lonely. Once the anniversary was over, maybe it was time to stop mooching about and get his life back on track. His parents would be glad to see him having fun, even though they’d never really approved of his hectic love life pre-Deanna.

‘And I can’t get over how much little mouse Rosie has changed,’ said Alex, breaking into his thoughts. ‘Though she was shooting you daggers. What have you done to upset her? Oh, tell me you didn’t sleep with her years ago and break her heart.’

‘I didn’t sleep with her and I definitely didn’t break her heart. I’m pretty sure I’m not her type.’ Alex’s smile faltered at Liam’s serious expression. ‘Hard though that is to believe when I’m a total babe magnet,’ he added, for Alex’s benefit.

That did the trick. ‘You and me both,’ said Alex, with a wide grin. ‘Pint in The Smugglers on Saturday before trying out that new night club in town? It’ll do you good.’

Maybe he was right. Liam was tired of being sad, and tired of the anxiety that dogged him. He never used to be a worrier but, these days, he worried about everything: the farm, his mum’s worsening arthritis, his dad’s increasing forgetfulness. But most of all, in the early hours, he worried that Deanna had been his last chance of a meaningful relationship and he would be alone forever.

‘So Saturday. Pub, pint, club?’ tried Alex again.

Liam nodded. ‘Yeah, why not.’
