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‘That sounds great,’ said Rosie, not envious in the slightest.

‘It is. My ex got the boat and I got the house in our divorce. I definitely got the better deal. And now Stephen’s moved in. He’s a very successful chartered surveyor.’

‘Oh, you live with your boyfriend?’

‘Yes. What’s so surprising about that?’

You were flirting with Liam the other day like there was no tomorrow.

Having seen the heartache caused by her dad’s affair, Rosie hated cheating with a passion. She could cope with bad moods in boyfriends, the occasional white lie, even dodgy personal hygiene. But cheating was her red line in the sand. However, what Katrina got up to was none of her business.

‘No reason,’ said Rosie. ‘I just didn’t know.’

‘Really? Like I said when we met the other day, my business is going very well too. Everything’s brilliant, actually. Really brilliant.’

‘Wish I lived in bloody Bellesfield,’ said Nessa, checking her mobile phone. ‘Sorry, got to keep an eye on it in case I’m needed. Lily’s getting over chickenpox and her sleep pattern’s gone to pot.’

‘God, you’re not infectious, are you?’ Katrina moved her pert backside as far away from Nessa as she could.

‘Yeah, probably,’ said Nessa, with a wink at Rosie. ‘But don’t worry, Kat. The pox doesn’t leave too many scars. Hey, Rosie,’ she added with a sideways glance at Katrina. ‘Why don’t you tell us about your amazing life abroad so we can all be horribly jealous.’

Katrina sniffed and carried on twirling her diamond ring.

‘Yeah, what’s it like?’ asked John.

‘Well, it’s good.’ Rosie stopped but everyone waited, expecting her to go on. ‘I live in Andalusia and I’m working in a B&B and also for a property company at the moment.’

‘I hope you’re not fleecing Brits,’ interjected Katrina, with another sniff. ‘My ex and I were going to buy a holiday place in Tuscany, a little villa in the hills, with an infinity pool and grounds. But it turned out the property people were running a scam. We could have lost thousands.’

‘That sounds awful but I’m not involved in any scams. Our properties are all bona fide and really nice, with views of the Med.’If you don’t mind hanging over the balcony, that is.

Katrina’s reply was drowned out by John yelling and waving over Rosie’s shoulder. ‘Hey, mate! We’re over here, in the corner.’

Even with her back to him, Rosie knew John was waving at Liam by the way Katrina pouted and patted the bench next to her. Liam, carrying a pint, squeezed into the space. She hadn’t left much room for him, Rosie noticed. His thighs were wedged against hers.

‘Hi, all,’ said Liam, putting his pint down. He nodded at Rosie. ‘You made it, then.’

‘I thought I might have a quick word with Belinda.’

‘Good idea. I bet she knows.’

Katrina looked at the two of them and blinked. ‘Knows what?’

‘Just some information I need. Nothing important.’

‘Hmm.’ Katrina started twirling her dark curls around her middle finger. ‘So I assume there’s no Spanish husband yet then, Rosie?’

‘No, my boyfriend, Matt, is English actually.’

‘Your boyfriend?’

‘Yep, that’s right. I’ve got a boyfriend too.’

Nessa giggled into her vodka and lime.

‘Has he come over to Heaven’s Cove with you, to help you sort out your mum’s stuff?’

‘He had to work.’
