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‘Now, Rosie,’ said Belinda, frowning when the child behind her started squealing. ‘I’ve been bursting to find out how it went with the Eppings the other day.’

‘I don’t know for sure, Belinda. They had a look around Driftwood House and then left.’

‘Did they make any decision about the house’s future?’

‘Nothing official, but I’m not very hopeful, to be honest.’

‘That’s a shame. Have you been in touch with them since their visit?’

‘Not yet.’

‘Don’t tell anyone but apparently I was right to suspect they’re not quite as well off as they used to be. Bad business decisions, according to my mole.’ She winced as the child’s squeals reached a crescendo. ‘Frankly, I’m amazed that you’ve been able to establish any sort of rapport with the Eppings. It’s very surprising.’

‘Not really,’ interrupted Matt. ‘Rosie and Charles Epping probably have more in common than you realise.’

Rosie’s foot connected with Matt’s shin under the table. Was he about to spill her secret, to Belinda of all people, in a busy café?

‘Is that right?’ There was a zealous glint in Belinda’s eyes. She licked specks of glazed sugar from her lips. ‘Tell me more.’

‘There’s nothing to tell,’ said Rosie, loudly, giving Matt’s leg another kick for good measure. ‘We have Driftwood House in common but its fate lies in Charles and Cecilia Epping’s hands. It’s lovely to see you, Belinda, but we don’t want to keep you from your work at the village hall.’

Belinda glanced between Rosie and Matt, her eyes narrowing. ‘There is rather a lot to do. I suppose I’d better leave you to your refreshments, but maybe I’ll see you at the dance this evening?’

‘Maybe,’ said Rosie, running her finger down the menu. ‘I think I might go for a cream tea, Matt. What about you?’ She dropped the menu and leaned across the table when Belinda scurried off, back to long-suffering Jim. ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Don’t come over all innocent, Matt. You were hinting big time about me and Charles Epping. That’s why I had to get rid of her. Belinda is the biggest gossip in town. If she ever gets the slightest wind of my suspicions, it will blow her mind – and then it will be all round the village in no time.’

‘Would that be so bad?’

‘Of course it would. Everyone would know that… he might be…’ She couldn’t say the words out loud. Not here.

‘Indeed,’ said Matt, smugly, ‘and that would force Charles Epping’s hand, which would be good.’

‘No, not good. Bad, very bad. And what hand would it force? There is no hand because I haven’t spoken to him about it.’

‘Exactly. But if he heard the rumours, he’d have to speak to you about it and confront his past.’

‘Which I’m in no hurry for him to do.’

‘I know, and I don’t understand why when he should make reparation for what he’s done.’

Because I’m frightened of opening yet another can of worms. Because my normal life has become a swirling soup of secrets. Because my mum must have had a good reason to lie to me for so long.

Why couldn’t she say any of that to the man she was supposedly in love with? Rosie sighed. ‘It’s my secret which means it’s mine to keep. Please, Matt.’

He stared at her through the hot fug of the café for a few moments before giving a curt nod and returning to his menu.

One cream tea later and Matt was in a much better mood. He even started humming under his breath when the two of them walked, arm in arm, towards the church.

This is nice, thought Rosie, as the sun finally burned through the mist and lit up the old buildings around her. This was how she’d hoped it might be when Matt had arrived out of the blue – the two of them, together, enjoying time in one another’s company. She had missed him.

‘Thanks again for flying over to support me.’

‘You’re welcome. You know, I—’ Matt paused, distracted by his phone, which had been ringing almost constantly since he’d arrived in Heaven’s Cove. And usually – yep, Rosie glanced at the screen before he answered – the calls were from Carmen.

‘Do you need to answer it? I’m sure Carmen could ask someone else in the office for advice.’
