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‘She is. She’s there now but she’s got a tricky viewing booked tomorrow and needed some advice.’

‘On her day off?’

‘That’s right.’

‘On her birthday?’

‘That’s how keen she is to get on. Carmen wants to do well and knows I can show her the ropes.’

Did he sound defensive or was Rosie overreacting? The latter, probably. Her brain was frazzled with everything that had happened recently. And Matt wanted to be with her or he’d never have flown a thousand miles to help her with Driftwood House. She put her hand on his arm and squeezed. ‘Then she’s lucky to have a mentor like you.’

‘Are you two coming to the dance later?’ asked Nessa, being pulled by Lily towards the sweet shop.

‘What is this dance that everyone’s going on about?’

‘Hang on, Lily! It’s an eighties disco this evening in the village hall. You should both come. It’ll be a laugh,’ she shouted, before Lily dragged her through the shop door.

‘Do you know everyone around here?’ asked Matt as the door shut behind her.

‘Pretty much.’

‘Where do you know Nessa from?’

‘We were at school together.’

‘Like that farmer I met on the beach. I expect we’ll bump into him next.’

‘I doubt it. Liam will be busy working.’

‘I don’t know how he can bear to stay here and run a farm. It’s boring and lacking in ambition, if you ask me.’

‘It’s nothing of the sort. Liam cares for the land, like his family’s done for generations. He nurtures new life.’

‘Nurtures new life? There’s no need to get evangelical about it when all he’s doing is growing a few carrots.’ Matt sniffed. ‘So what about the disco? Do you fancy it?’

‘Maybe. I’m not sure.’

‘We might as well. There’s nothing else to do around here.’

‘Nothing apart from watching dolphins swim in the bay, enjoying awesome views from the cliffs, walking through beautiful countryside, and scoffing cream teas in cosy cafés.’

‘It’s still not Málaga, though, is it? Where did you say this old church was?’

He wandered off, kicking at an empty drink can that someone had dropped in the street.

Rosie watched him scuffing along, with his hands in his pockets. Heaven’s Cove certainly wasn’t southern Spain with its vibrant culture and endless hot sandy beaches. But this village had its own charm, and bigging it up to Matt was helping her to recognise and appreciate that more and more.
