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‘The workmate I discovered he’s been having an affair with.’

‘You’re kidding me! The man’s a complete dick! Are you OK?’

When he looked at Rosie, she was staring at the glowing sky, her face in profile. ‘I am, actually. I thought I loved Matt and he loved me, but I think I was only kidding myself.’ Her hand flew to her mouth. ‘Sorry, was that insensitive after Deanna decided that she didn’t…? I don’t mean…’

‘It’s fine. I’ve heard far worse and it was a year ago now. Life goes on.’

That was the platitude he often spouted with no weight behind it but Liam suddenly found it hard to picture Deanna’s face. She’d meant the world to him and yet now he’d started to forget her and, for the first time since being jilted, he could imagine being with someone else.

He stole a look at Rosie, who had closed her eyes with her face towards the dying sun. Golden beams of light danced across her hair, making it shine. At last he’d found someone he was willing to let his guard down for and she was about to fly off into the distance. Typical.

‘Actually,’ said Rosie, eyes still closed. ‘I know life goes on but it’s been a bit of a shit day all round. The sort that you know has been seared into your brain, even though you’d rather forget it completely.’

‘Do you want to talk about it?’

Rosie hesitated. ‘No, but thanks.’

‘You’ll forget it eventually, I expect. Well, not so much forget as let it go.’

Rosie opened her eyes and fixed her gaze on him. ‘You’re pretty wise, Liam Satterley, for a heartbreaker.’

‘That’s what all the girls say.’

Why had he said that? It was the kind of glib remark that old Liam might have made.

Rosie’s smile never reached her eyes. ‘I can imagine. How is Katrina?’

‘She was fine the last time I saw her. Why?’

‘No reason. She seemed a bit worse for drink by the time we left the disco, that’s all.’

‘I think she’d had a fair bit. So when are you leaving Heaven’s Cove?’ asked Liam, keen to move the conversation on from Katrina, who would never forgive him for turning her down. She was the type to bear a grudge.

‘I’m finishing packing up the things I want to keep and I’ve found a company that will collect and sell the furniture that I don’t. And my flight’s still booked for Wednesday afternoon. What else can I do?’

‘You could stay.’ Liam folded his arms and kept his eyes on the sunset. The sky had turned a blazing red as the sun slipped below the horizon.

‘Stay where? Driftwood House will be gone.’

‘There’s always Josie’s B&B while you find somewhere else locally. Or you could sleep here, with me. I mean’ – he tripped over his words – ‘with me and Billy.’

Mentioning the dog in no way made the offer sound less sleazy and he knew he hadn’t quite shaken off his old reputation in Rosie’s eyes. ‘What I mean is, I wouldn’t mind putting you up in the spare room while you sort out your next move. My parents would be fine with it. In fact they’d probably love it.’

‘Why would you do that?’

‘I quite like you.’

Billy’s ears pricked up. He was lying near the back door, watching the two of them. Rosie crouched down and stroked his back, then she glanced up at Liam. She looked upset. He hadn’t meant to upset her.

‘That’s kind of you.’ Her voice was wobbly. ‘But with Driftwood House gone, my life is in Spain.’

‘Yeah, sure. It was just a thought, trying to help you out.’

‘Thank you. It was a kind thought.’

‘I have my moments.’

She straightened up and smoothed her hands down her jeans. ‘I guess this is goodbye then. I probably won’t see you before I leave.’
