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“Exactly,” she teased, patting my leg through the sheets. “So… did you at least find out something good? We’ve been waiting. All we know is that both of Jake’s guys got wasted, and so did the shooter, but our guys – that could’ve gotten you out of there sooner if you hadn’t made them wait a block away – got you out. You’ve been passed out since then.”

“How long?”

“Eleven or twelve hours. Give or take. Doc said he gave you the good stuff while you couldn’t argue about it, since it’ll likely be the only pain meds you’ll take,” Tati explained.

She was right.

But I didn’t want to tell her that.

“Jake told me Rojas is taking on a new partner and if it’s who I think it is… it won’t be good for anybody.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Who do you think it is?”

“A man named Renard Belrose, the worst kind of human monster there is.”

Her lips parted. “Belrose… is that a coincidence?”

“It’s not,” I admitted. “He and his brother, they startedThe Garden.”

“The Garden…ThornsandRoses?”


“What does he want with drug dealers in Vegas?”

“Nothing good.”

She nodded. “Okay. Well… shit, I guess it’s probably good Alicia is here then.”

I almost sat up again, but pain quickly returned me to my back. “What is she doing here?”

“I called her, because she knows you, and… you almost died. I figured I should tell people you know.”

I scoffed. “I didn’talmost die, that’s dramatic.”

“No, actually,” Tati countered as she stood. “Youreallyalmost did. Doc had to give you a fucking blood transfusion; thank goodness we had a match here. He wanted to keep you in a hospital bed, but we didn’t know if you’d wake up ripping out tubes and shit, so we didn’t. You… scared us. Scaredme,” she corrected as she walked backward to the door, eyes locked on mine.

“I’m sorry,” I told her.

She shrugged. “It’s okay. I’m glad you pulled through.”

“Why?” I asked, before I could stop myself.

Giving a fuck about people dying was averynormal thing, that didn’t really require an explanation.

Tati rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna grab Alicia and Blue, so you can tell them what you told me.”

“Okay. Answer the question though.”

She sighed, shaking her head as she opened the door. “Because… you promised me something, and I expect you to deliver it, which you can’t do if you die on me. So… get better soon, okay?”
