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“Only because you were embarrassing Tali,” he truthfully explained.

“I wasdefendingTali!” was my side of that story, and… both sides were right.

Ofallthe things to pick on somebody for, Tali’s PICC line – a medical necessity for her constant transfusions and medicines and whatever else – was the shit those idiot kids chose back in high school.

And I had something for their asses,every time, until Brandon and I had graduated and Keira took over, which embarrassed her too. “She never got pissed off whenyouwhooped ass over her,” I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

“Because I gave her hickies after.” Brandon cackled. “You and Keira didn’t have any peace offerings she was interested in.”

“Who is Tali?” Jenn asked and I sighed, holding out my hands to get my gloves taken off.

“My little sister,” I answered. “She passed a few years back.”

“Oh my goodness, I’m sorry,” Jenn gushed, stopping her process on unstrapping me from the padded gloves. “I didn’t know.”

“No need to be sorry.” I shook my head. “It’s not a forbidden topic or anything. Just… a tough one.”

“What was her illness?” Onyx asked and I met his gaze, finally, while Jenn finished getting my gloves off.

“Cystic Fibrosis,” I said. “She was sick for a long time, but we made sure she lived the best life she could. At least, I like to think so.”

“She thought so too,” Brandon said to Jenn and Onyx, and then explained further that he and Tali had been boyfriend and girlfriend.

“They were each other’s first love,” I spoke up, grinning. “He’s underselling it.”

“Awww,” Jenn said. “Is that why you two never had a thing?”

My nose wrinkled. “We never had anything becauseeww,” I said, frowning at him. “I still don’t know what Tali was thinking.”

“You know what, I’m not even going to go there with you today, I’ve got too much to do.” Brandon laughed.

“Or is it that you know I’ll roast the life out of you and you don’t want your feelings hurt today?” I asked, reaching over the barrier of the ring to push my fists against his chest.

“Sure, let’s go with that one.” He chuckled, with his usual mush to the side of my head. “Carmen still coming to help you today?”

”Yeah, a bit later,” I told him, finally climbing down from the ring to where they were standing. Onyx had still been quiet as hell, and I wasn’t sure what it was about.

Was he struggling to keep himself upright after over-taxing himself with shit he had no business doing?

Or did he just not know what to say to me?

It was awkward.

I was going to fuck you.

You promised me something and I expect you to deliver it.

Seriously, bitch?

It was soold Tati,the girl who just told a nigga what she expected and he did it because what were his other options?Shewouldn’t be thinking twice about saying those things becauseshewas more than confident that they would land exactly as intended and yield the desired result.

Premium dick.


What would I evendowith a dick?

How would Iactuallyfactually respond to sex?
