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His eyes went wide in surprise for just a flash before he schooled his features back to neutral; he either couldn’t or didn’t care to cover the entertainment dancing in his eyes though. “Internet fan club.”

I blinked. “Seriously?”

“Nah,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “It’s just… my name, I don’t know.”

“That’s on your birth certificate?”

“I said I didn’t fucking know,” he growled, his volume rising in tandem with a lowered timbre.

“Ay, watch your tone.” Kev spoke up for the first time, even though I’d felt him observing the whole conversation, felt his disquiet.

Onyx raised an eyebrow at him, the amused glint in his eyes gone now, replaced with a kind of sinister irritation that made me shift positions, bringing his attention back to me.

He’d fucked up three guys with no issue earlier.

I didn’t even want to think about what he’d do to Kev.

“I’m not trying to offend you,” I told him. “Just asking.”

That dark, intense gaze shot back to Kev for another moment, almost like a warning before his regard came to me and stayed. “The mythology behind the name is conflicting,” he said, shrugging. “Some stories say Onyx is the manifestation of a demon; imprisoned in the stone during the day, and at night… wielder of terror and nightmares.”

I swallowed. “And others?”

“Consider it a symbol of protection from evil. There’s harmony between the layers under the surface.”

My eyebrows lifted, but I didn’t dare tear my eyes from his. “And where do you stand? What definition do you identify with more?”

He looked away, his jaw tight as his attention settled on the road. “My mother looked at me and decided one or the other, and she ain’t around to ask anymore. So who the fuck knows?”

I frowned.

Iwanted to know.

But my ears had picked up a familiar sound; the proverbial boys were back in town. “Boys”being a genderless collective term for everybody who’d rode out with thePredatorstoday.

In just a few moments, they’d rolled up loud and chaotic to surround us, gassing their bikes, whooping and hollering, doing tricks to put on a show for the patrons who stuck around for exactly this, who’d slowly started coming out of the bar.

I was looking for one bike in particular in the crowd though.


Immediately, my shoulders grew tense, waiting for his report. He and a select few had much more discreet business to tend to while the others were at some rally or some shit, creating plausible deniability for anything they might get into. He pulled up right in front of me, barely stopping before his helmet was off and he was giving me a subtle nod to let me know that his task had indeed been taken care of.



I blew out a sigh of relief, ready to head inside for a full debrief as Gavin and Teo pulled up too. As usual, Gavin was living up to his nickname – Ghost – not really with all the revelry and attention. My beloved pretty boy Teo though, he was all smiles as he hopped off his bike to bump fists with me and Kev before he waved to a group of women in the crowd a few feet away, setting off… chaos.

“Ay, Blue, how did she perform out there today?” Kev asked, attempting to use his bike as a reason to make conversation, or rather, get Brandon’s attention.

Brandon frowned, confused. “Uh… about the same as usual,” he shrugged, tucking his helmet under his arm before motioning for me to follow him back inside, to the office. “I’ll catch up with you later man,” he added, making it clear to Kev that he wasn’t invited to the meeting.

But then he hesitated.

He looked back at Onyx, considering him for a moment before he motioned for him to follow too.

“Seriously?” I muttered, reacting before I could catch myself. With a crowd around, it was probably unwise, but… fuck it. This was the stuff that pissed me off.
