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If I had to eliminate him earlier than planned… so be it.

After spending the next several moments trying to put myself in a headspace for dealing with theRenegadosin a way that wouldn’t incite a war in the middle of the afternoon, I pulled myself up in search of a shower like Tati had.

No guest room for me this time—I took my ass right back to her room, where she was getting dressed for the day, with a perky energy that answered a question I hadn’t yet verbalized.

There was no way she’d bethislight if she knew what Blue and I were about to get into.

I wasn’t about to be the one to kill her vibe. I flirted a bit, then went and took my shower, irritated that once again I was putting the same clothes back on that I’d worn the previous day.

I’ve gotta start keeping a change of clothes in my saddlebag for when I come over here.


There it was again, that fuckingcomfortthat I didn’t deserve.

What the hell was I thinking?

Tati left out another fresh toothbrush for me, so I took advantage of it, cleaning myself up as much as I could before I went off in search of her. She’d disappeared to somewhere else in the house, and just like before, I followed the smell of food and the sound of her music blasting to find her in the kitchen.

With Blue.

“Where ya clothes at, nigga?” he asked, scowling at me from the other side of the counter where he was seated, with a plate in front of him.

Oh, shit.

I had put on my boxers and jeans, then went sauntering into the kitchen shirtless because I was only expecting Tati.

Not a meeting.

“Brandon…” Tati warned, pushing out a sigh.

“Don’tBrandonme,” he grunted. “I knew his ass was here cause I saw his bike, but I come in and this motherfucker walking around your house like he owns it!”

“He owns my pussy, so now what?” she argued, making my eyes go wide, cause…damn she really said that shit to him.“He’s my guest; he can be comfortable.”

Blue looked at me.

Tati looked at me.

And I… didn’t say shit.

I just went to where Tati was sitting and leaned down to kiss her temple. “Good morning again,” I told her and Blue burst out laughing.

“Wow, nigga.Wow!You are bold as fuck.Braveas fuck,” he jeered across the counter.

“My man, that’s not new information for you,” I told him with a shrug.

“Fair enough,” he conceded, meeting my gaze. “But you know I will fucking kill you over my sister; you understand that, right?”

I didn’t back down from his glare, fully understanding that he wasn’t threatening me for my current actions, but for what I could potentially do to her.

“I’m aware,” I told him, then looked to Tati. “I’m going to the clubhouse to change. I’ll see you later. You still coming to pick me up from there, right?” I asked Blue, whose only answer was a grunt.

“What are you picking him up for?” Tati asked and I didn’t waste any time getting out of there.

He could be to the one to tell her.

I shook my head, moving back to Tati’s room for my shirt, shoes, and other shit. I was seated on the chair she’d rode me on last night, thinking through the good memories while I put my shoes on when she appeared at the door.
