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She had to have gouged him with something that made a pretty good wound, but…fuck.I couldn’t even let my mind go to how he’d probably made her pay forthat.

I turned the screen off, my head swimming with a nauseating blend of fury and worry as I strode purposefully back down the hall.

I knew what I needed to do.

Finding a little closet next to Tati’s laundry room full of clean linens, I gathered what I needed to replace whatever was there. Back in her bedroom, the shower was still going, and I could hear Blue’s voice, hear the coaxing, soothing in his tone as he talked to her.

Entirely too fucking familiar.

I blocked it out as I stripped the bed, trying not to focus too much on the bloody state of the sheets. I bypassed the laundry room and tossed all that shit in the kitchen, near the garbage. Whatever was going to be done with it could be decided later.

With a roll of paper towels and a can of Lysol, I sanitized the mattress and let it air out for a bit before I took my time making up her bed with the fresh linens.

On the off chance that she even wanted to be in this room.

Once that was done, I shifted my attention to the floors, trying to get everything back to as close to a “normal” state as I could.

I was finishing up when the shower turned off, finally.

I grabbed the shit I’d been using to clean and made sure it was out of the way, hesitating in the door frame. I didn’t know if it was better to be out of sight or exactly where she could see me, so she wouldn’t have another question in her mind, another thing to be concerned about.

It wasn’t until they’d both appeared at the bathroom doorway that I realized I’d been holding my breath.

I’m gonna fucking kill him.

That was thefirstthought in my head when my gaze landed on Tati, her pretty face bruised and swollen, her eyes glossy and full of distress. She was wrapped tight in a robe, and Blue was helping her walk, a little detail that made my fists itch with a fresh wave of anger.

She looked at the bed, confused at first, but then understanding washed through as she looked at me, making an easy deduction.

“Thank you,” she said; her voice hoarse as she spoke, with none of the usual dynamism I’d grown accustomed to from her, like she was…broken.

He’d taken her fucking energy.

Somehow,thatwas what pissed me off the most, of everything in front of me.

All I could offer was a nod because this whole thing was… too much.

Too recognizable.

I moved out of the doorway, leaving Blue and Tati to have whatever conversation they needed to have on their own as he helped her into the bed. I waited, in my own mental battle against the skeletons in my closet for him to give me some sort of instructions.

If I followed my own instincts right now… this night was going to get bloody, quick, and I couldn’t give in to that. ’Cause once I did, if there were no boundaries, no restrictions… I wasn’t sure I’d come back from it.

Not with everything I was keeping suppressed.

A few moments later, Blue came out to find me. “It was Kev. No police,” was the first thing out of his mouth.

“Obviously.” I nodded my agreement.

With Tati being who she was, even if thePredatorsweren’tinvolved in any type of illegal activity anymore, the police weren’t going to take this shit seriously. They could barely be counted on to take it seriously even when the victim was “upstanding”. The Black vice president of a local motorcycle club they didn’t want to exist would go straight to the bottom of their list of priorities.

Ifthey didn’t invent some supposed crime forherto be guilty of, just to drive the knife in.

Not only that, but I could tell from the look on Blue’s face—whatever the police would have done, even in the best-case scenario, it wasn’t fucking enough.

I agreed.

“I’m going to stay here with her, and Keira is on the way. We might end up taking her to a hotel, or the clubhouse, or one of our places… I don’t know. But she said she’s fine for now.”
