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It just wasn’t very likely.

But still—what if?

I grinned to myself, thinking about it. If he didn’t show up here, when I found whatever hole he was hiding in, I was going to make him hurt even worse for inconveniencing me.

That waswhat if.

Unbidden, the visual of Tati’s bruised, battered face came to my mind. Before I could shake it off, it had already morphed into my mother. I closed my eyes, trying and failing not to allow myself to be lapped over with a wave of memories, pulling me under.

Memories from before I’d been turned into what I was now.

Back then, I couldn’t do anything about the predators—the wolves who didn’t even bother disguising themselves as sheep. I couldn’t even reach the high cabinets in the kitchen without help. All I could offer was… triage.

The unfortunate aftercare of abuse, tasks no one should have to contend with, butespeciallynot a fucking child.

A sound in the distance made me drag myself out of the pit of those thoughts.

I was only waiting for a few more minutes before Kev showed up, rushing in with a bag slung over his shoulder. His scratches and shit were cleaned up now, and he was limping, but he still somehow had a smug ass expression on his face.

I hated this motherfucker, and in this moment, he was reminding me of another motherfucker I hated – the one who’d committed the original sin that fucked everything up – but I couldn’t access.Not just him either, all the others.

But they weren’t here.

Kev was.

So... I was about to take it all out on him.

“Headed somewhere?” I called out from my place in the shadows, and like the bitch he was, Kev jumped hard as fuck, high as fuck. If I was a betting man, I’d wager he’d pissed his pants a little.

“You stay back! I’m armed!” he called out, trying to put a little extra bass in his voice as his eyes darted around, trying to see where I was. I remained in the shadows, stalking, moving to a new position so I could fuck with his senses.

Then I stepped out into the light, my hands steady as I aimed. “Me too.”

The shot rang loud in the empty space, echoing off the walls as Kev dropped. He clutched his leg, writhing back and forth as he screamed in pain.

“Did you fuckingshootme?!”

I laughed as I crossed the wide space, heading for him. “You are not very bright, are you? You heard the gunshot, I’m sure you feel that fucking bullet in your shin. But…did I shoot you?” I chuckled. “Did I, Kev? You tell me.”

I crouched down near him, just looking as he continued to twist in pain.

“Help!Help!” he screamed and I just shook my head as he started trying to crawl away from me.

“Not sure what good you thinkthat’sgoing to do,” I said. “Nobody is coming to fucking help you.”

I’d already made sure of that, sliding any staff I’d encountered a wad of cash to go home to their families without seeing anything.

“You know what I think?” I asked as I stood, closing the distance he’d put between us. Once I reached him, I kicked him hard, right where I’d shot him.

His injured screams were music to my fucking ears.

“Shut the fuck up,” I demanded, aiming my gun right between his eyes. He flinched, covering his head with his arms as he started crying.


“I think you bet on that exact thing with Tati; that nobody was there to save her,” I said, crouching in front of him. “I don’t think this was… a crime of passion, or whatever the fuck. I think you wanted her alone, no one to help, nobody who could come to her defense. I’m here for her retaliation though, bitch. And I’m thinking real hard about sending you back to anybody who cares about you in bite-sized pieces.”

“I’ve got a kid! A baby on the way!Please,” he sobbed, and I snarled.
