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“Again—who asked you?” I said, mushing his shoulder since I was still right up on him.

“Nobody.” He chuckled, grabbing my hand. “I’m just telling you what I see. And from what I see, you don’t have to prove anything. To anyone,” he added, looking up at me.

“Up” wasn’t exactly correct. He was seated, and I was standing, but still, he was atjustthe perfect alignment for me to only have to lean in a bit to kiss him if I wanted to.

Which... for some inexplicable reason, wasexactlywhat I wanted. I didn’t know which to blame—my body or my mind. I just knew that feeling I’d been chasing through countless showers, and in my bed not that long ago… there it was.

So easily sparked by his presence.

The very same urge whose absence had me wondering if I was losing my mind,there it was.I couldn’t…notgive in to it. I’d been trying too hard grasp this feeling—Icouldn’tfight it.


So… I didn’t.

I stepped between his legs and kissed him, and he let me, and…God.The pressure of my lips against his wassucha sweet relief. I couldn’t explain it if I tried, but it was like a cool drink on a hot day—refreshing and soothing, and damn near holy. His fingers dug into my waist, pulling me in closer as I put my hands to his face, deepening the kiss.


And he let it be, despite both of us knowing he could easily shift the dynamic. I greedily moved my tongue in his mouth, lapping against his as he kissed me back.

Did he taste like the amalgamation of spices from the spicy food?

Yes, but I didn’t care, not in the slightest. I was way too focused on the fact that I wasn’tbroken,not as much as I’d thought. Icouldfeel something, and it was everything I hadn’t known I needed.

Arousal poured out of me, driving the passion of the kiss, and making me sink against his body, and soaking my panties, and making me dizzy.

“Shit,” I breathed, finally pulling back after we’d been kissing long enough that I needed a breath. “What was that about?” I asked, with my face still right up against his and he raised his eyebrows at me.

“What you asking me for? That’s all you, sweetheart.”

“My name isn’t sweetheart.”

He smirked, suddenly pulling away from me. “Isn’t it, though?” he asked, then grabbed the lid for his food to put it on as he slipped out of his seat.

“What are you doing?” I asked, putting a hand to my tingling lips, not knowing if it was the spices or something else causing the sensation.

“I’m getting out of here before your ass gets me in trouble,” he answered, and honestly…

I didn’t have a rebuttal.

Hedidneed to leave.

Before there was… trouble.

“Hey, are you leaving already?” Maite asked, suddenly breezing in.

“Yep!” was his only response as Onyx skirted past her with his food.

She turned to me, eyes curious as she asked, “Um… did I miss something?”
