Page 132 of Summer Fling

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He looks puzzled by that. “Not even once?”

“No.” That’s all I dare say now.

Resolution crosses his face. “I’ve dreamed so many times of having you on your bed…”

Still holding me tight, he makes his way down the hall, his lips skimming up my neck, over to nip at my lobe, before dropping to nibble on my shoulder.

At the foot of my bed, he releases me to slide down his body. I feel every hard inch before my feet finally touch the hardwood floor.

Everything in this room looks exactly the way it did when I was a teenager. The walls and tufted headboard are similar shades of pristine white. My black-and-white polka-dotted sheets shout youth and happiness. The blush comforter with its coordinating lace-trimmed shams seem so innocent. The leopard pillow and bold chandelier break up all the sweetness with attitude.

This room was a perfect reflection of me. In many ways, it still is.

This is exactly where I want to make love to Hayden, too. None of my fantasies included him seducing me with the last of the day’s sun slanting through my window, tossing golden rays all over his strong face and lighting up the fire in his eyes. But this is way better than any shadowy midnight I envisioned.

“I’m nervous,” I admit.

“Don’t be. This is for us. Tell me everything you want and feel. I will, too. We’re not just fucking; we’re joining. And after this, I’m never going to let you go, Perrie. You understand that?”

So far he’s made me hot, but his words now touch me deep.

As I nod, he skims my cheek with his knuckles, brushing his way back to cup my nape and lift my lips to his. Then I’m falling, dissolving into him, losing myself in his kiss. One bleeds into the next, then another, until my lips feel swollen, bruised, and tingling.

His hands aren’t still, either. It’s as if he’s intending to sensitize me to his every touch, starting with a drag of his fingertips over my shoulders, then down my arms, across my collarbones, before slowly drifting up my throat and under my jaw. Finally, he swipes his thumb across my bottom lip again.

“So that’s what you look like when you’ve been well kissed.” He smiles, terribly pleased with himself.

“Are you going to make me blush or kiss me again?”

“You should know the answer to that.”

I do, and I brace for more of both. Instead, he surprises me by easing the strap off my baby doll. His lips follow in a seduction so slow and patient it makes me want to cry. He does the same with the matching strap on the other shoulder until the garment is barely clinging to my breasts. Not that it matters. He can see through it anyway, especially with the sun beaming across our bodies.

“You have the prettiest fucking nipples.” Finally, he drags his knuckles across one.

The sensation is so instant, so hot, I gasp. “Hayden…”

He’s barely touched me, and I’m panting. Every inch of my skin is on fire. God, how will I feel when he’s surrounding me? On top of me? Inside me?

“Hmm, sweet pea.” Through the fabric, he does the same to the other nipple. “These are so hard. I love how sensitive you are and the way you respond to me.”

I barely manage a nod before he grips one rigid tip between his thumb and forefinger and squeezes. My instant yelp has nothing to do with pain and everything to do with pleasure.

“Yes,” he croons as he pinches the other, then slides the baby doll’s straps off my arms, one after the other, exposing my breasts to his hungry stare. “So fucking perfect.”

With firm, hot fingers, he cradles a breast in his hand and lifts it as he leans in.

Oh, god…

The first touch of his tongue is like a jolt from a live wire, somehow unexpected and shocking. But then his lips close around my sensitive tip. He gives it a tug and draws it into his mouth with a strong pull.

I’m a goner.

Without any conscious thought at all, I sink my fingers into his short hair and yank him closer. He obliges me with another tug of suction, a follow-up caress of his tongue, then a little bite that has me digging my nails into his scalp.

“You like that,” he murmurs against my skin. It’s not a question. “Oh, Perrie, I’m going to be at these nipples all the time. Holy fuck…”

When he switches to the other bud and all but inhales it into his mouth, I cry out again and realize that I’ve not only lost my heart to this man for the rest of my life, but I’m about to lose my body, too. By morning, every part of me will belong to him. I’m both thrilled and terrified by that notion.
