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Icould have stayed with him in that bed all day. The sheets were soft and luxurious, and the things he could do with his tongue and hands were enough to make me feel like this kingdom was secret heaven. He had meetings to vanish off to, though, and I had an appetite for adventure.

Now dressed in clothing that fits more with what other people were wearing in the kingdom, I felt like I’d fallen onto a different planet. The fabrics were like silk made out of iron. Soft and sleek, but obviously strong enough that I couldn’t tear or rip them if I tried.

Wandering out into the castle, I was given just a couple instructions.

Don’t open any closed doors.

Don’t give anyone more information about myself than I needed to.

He seemed to really care about privacy, and I knew better than trying and pushing back against him unless we were in bed. He was almost as stubborn as I was.

My shoes clicked against the endless marble floors, and they reflected everything in the castle around me. I could recognize the servants because they kept their heads down and wore similar clothes to those random women who had dressed Dralle before.

One woman caught my eye as I headed back towards the area with the delicious food, and her smile caught me off guard. Everyone else was avoiding my gaze. She seemed to be telling me she wanted to speak. Her hair was sleek and white, seeming to drip from the crown of her head like it was made of water itself. Her outfit stood out against what everyone else was wearing, a bright silver and purple pantsuit with a black cape off of the back. She reminded me of what my mom used to tell me witches looked like.

I wasn’t sure I trusted her, even at first sight.

“You must be Heather,” she walked towards me.

“Yes.” I kept my answer short, remembering what Dralle said to me about strangers. This woman was definitely strange.

“Don’t be afraid. I’m Everglast’s resident Seer.”

The woman graciously offered a handout to me.

I shook it awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

She had an old movie kind of drama around her, and it threw me off amongst the feeling of old money that filled this castle. This castle where women didn’t speak up, and nobody seemed to want to look at me like a human being.

“You’re also a Seer, just as I thought.”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, child, how much has your Dralle told you?”

My face heated at how she called him mine. I barely knew him but calling him mine felt right.

“He hasn’t told me much, honestly.”

“Come with me,” she said with a smile. I felt like a chastised child and followed her. She knew the castle well and led me through it like it wasn’t a random maze of rooms and hallways. “Please bring tea and baked sweets to my room,” she stopped a random servant. The servant nodded and diverted from the path she was on.

“Are you not a servant as well?”

“Oh, no, I’m not from here.” She laughed, it was genuine, but I was still uncomfortable.

Maybe it was just seeing another Seer when I only knew ones I was related to.

Although, it also could have been how quickly she acted familiar with me.

Opening a closed door, she started to lead me through into a chamber, but I stopped on the outside of it.

“What is it? Come on,” she offered.

“Dralle told me not to go anywhere with closed doors…”
