Page 106 of Mountain Road

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I laughed weakly, my body limp and sated.

He pressed a gentle kiss to the nape of my neck.

A godawful scream, the sound reminiscent of a horror movie, shattered the sweetness that rested between us.

We flew off the bed, a tangle of naked limbs and heart—pumping adrenalin.

He recovered from the shock first and laughed. “At least she let us finish!”

Chapter Thirty-One – Sunday Morning Duet


The weekend unfolded like a wash, rinse, repeat of the previous one, and I wondered when I could convince Minty to make the routine daily. And permanent.

Monday morning, she lay curled against me.

I wished I could shift to better see her beautiful face, but I didn’t want to disturb her sleep. In sleep, her limbs took on a different type of stillness than she possessed while awake. Awake, she controlled her movements. Asleep seemed to be the only time her awareness slipped.

My dick saluted, reminding me of the other time she sometimes relinquished control.

To think I’d worried about chemistry. I thought back to the day of the barbecue when Junie teased me about Minty giving me a run for my money. She knew what I was getting into. I pictured her rubbing her little mitts together and her glee on the front porch when she saw me waiting for Minty that same day and couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped.

Minty stretched out languidly beside me, pressing her breasts against my side and throwing her thigh over mine. She lay her palm over my heart and dropped a kiss on my chest before nestling back into my shoulder.

“Good morning,” she murmured.

That was another thing I hadn’t expected. Other than the first time we woke together when she was loathe to abandon her strict routine, mornings signaled a time for gentle caresses, fleeting kisses, murmured plans, and a slow revving of engines for the day’s race.

“I learned a song for you.” My heart pounded in my chest.

She bent her neck back to look at me, giving me her beautiful face.

I loved seeing her without make-up. Soft mouth, the lightest sprinkling of freckles on her pale skin, golden lashes, and clear brown gaze unaltered by the effects of eyeshadow.

“A song? You learned a song for me?” She sat up, pulling the sheet to her breasts, and twisted back to look at me. “Are you going to play it for me?”

“I kind of thought you could learn it too, maybe sing it with me. If you wanted to. It’s a duet.”

“Play it for me. Please,” she murmured.

I grabbed my pajama pants off the foot of the bed and tossed her my t-shirt.

While I liked to be naked with her, and I loved keeping her naked, the song exposed me enough. I needed my pants. And if she didn’t feel the same way, she’d want my shirt.

I plucked the opening notes of Penny and Sparrow’sDuet, then began to sing the words my heart demanded I say.

Other than a few glances, I kept my eyes on the strings.

When I finished, our room was utterly silent.

Our room. When did I start thinking about this bedroom as ours?

When I finally manned up enough to look at her, to ask her what she thought, the naked yearning on her face shocked me back into silence.

She sat smack dab in the center of the bed, her arms wrapped around her drawn-up knees.

My heart leapt to my throat.
