Page 131 of Mountain Road

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I stopped dead. “Are you serious?”

“Yup,” he declared, linking his fingers through mine and leading me up the steps before yanking out his cell phone and taking a picture of our joined hands.

“Aren’t you going to wash your hand?”

“Nope,” the word popped from his mouth.

Barrett’s amused voice rang out over the crowd. “Not sure what happened to my guitarist…” He looked back, caught sight of us, and his laughter boomed. “It’s okay,” he intoned. “Minty is dragging his ass back.”

Whistles and cheers accompanied us across the stage while fire dusted my cheeks. Lucky handed me down the stairs and pressed a sweet kiss to my forehead before patting my ass gently and bounding back onto the stage.

“We’ll just wait a second until Lucky’s lady finds her way back to her girls,” Barrett muttered into the mic and lazily plucked the strings.

Amber and Ruby met me halfway, throwing their arms around me and bookending me back to our table and the smiling faces of the rest of my girls. Drawing me into their circle, they twittered over my performance and declared their sudden need for thigh-high boots and leather pants.

Drivetrain ripped into their next song, and Junie, Willa, and Ruby jumped to their feet. Amber, Mara, and Bex settled around the table with me across from Vander and Gus who crossed their arms and shook their heads in smiling disbelief.

I laughed out loud.

Gus grinned back at me, his devil’s mark winking, eyes shining with pride and admiration.

Vander passed me my drink and lifted his own in a silent toast.

I felt free.

Free of white noise.

Free of the padded walls I’d surrounded myself with for my own protection.

Free to be myself without judgement, without the weight of others’ expectations.

Without shame.

Chapter Thirty-Nine – Reflection


Sunday morning seemed to arrive earlier than usual after the festivities from the night before. I still couldn’t believe I got back up onstage. Couldn’t get over the flood of joy and freedom.

Not that I wanted to join a band or anything, but that sense of stepping back into myself, and not feeling driven to examine every thought as I did so, was phenomenal. I acknowledged to myself that it would be healthy if I could somehow make that the norm.

Alone in Lucky’s bed, I stretched my sore limbs. A slow, satisfied smile spread across my face. The things that man did to me when we got home. Took him two hours and a couple of orgasms just to get my clothes off.

After the last song, Lucky jumped off the stage with nary a nod to the women gathered at the foot and headed to our table. People gradually peeled away until it was only Amber, Gus, Ruby, Vander, Junie, Lenny, Lucky and me. I drank too much, laughed too loud, and loved every minute.

As soon as we got into the car, Lucky yanked me across the seat and proceeded to reintroduce his lips to mine in such a way as to imprint his own onto mine for eternity.

Once home, I feigned fatigue. It wasn’t a stretch. A few steps up the stairs, I looked over my shoulder to find Lucky’s gaze glued to my ass.

“I’m so tired, darling. Are you tired?”

His head snapped back to meet my eyes. He easily read the tease in them and shook his head with a grin. His hands claimed my hips and propelled me up the stairs. “Did you learn nothing last week about what happens to teases?”

In his bedroom, he stood back and studied my outfit, looking befuddled.

“What’s wrong?” I chuckled.

He quirked his eyebrow. “I’m trying to figure out how to ditch the pants but keep the boots.”
