Page 169 of Mountain Road

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Home. Belonging. Peace. It was all here where he and I came together.

I spread my fingers across his naked chest, seeking out the reassuring beat of his heart.

Shifting to cover me, he joined his body to mine, rocking against me gently while I shuddered and quaked around him before finally gifting me with his seed.

And I slept.


Her hair spilled over her pillow onto mine. Any bit of her could spill onto anything and everything of mine. She could have it all.

“Good morning, darling.”

Lost in thought, I hadn’t even noticed her awaken. She looked pensive.

“What’s on your mind?” I asked.

“How would you feel about moving in with me?”

My eyebrows knit together. “You mean on the days and nights we don’t have Brayleigh?”

She held my gaze. “No. Both of you moving in.” She closed her eyes. “I know your place is better in the long run for raising a family, but I need time to transition. I think being at my place will help me with that. I could move in here slowly, but I really don’t want to wait any longer to be together.” Her eyes popped open. “If that’s still what you want! I understand completely if you’d like to slow things down.” She went to move from the bed, deep in flight mode.

“Minty, baby.” I could hear the smile in my voice. “I would be happy to move into your place until you’re settled.” I drew her back into my arms. “We need to go shopping though. Brayleigh will need a crib.”

She stiffened in my arms. “Oh, God. I never dreamed I’d ever get to do that!”

I ached for her even as she rejoiced, and I thanked God that I had a child to give her. “You want to do that today?”

“I do. And I also want to pick out paint for her room. I’ll get the boys over to help me paint…” She swung her legs over the side of the bed and headed for the shower, planning the whole way.

Monday morning, she called her boys and elicited their help for project baby, then took me to meet Ezinne.

“We won’t stay long, and I can’t show you the house today, because some of the girls are skittish around men.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t go?” I worried aloud.

“No, you absolutely should. Ezinne has already given them a heads up. They know you’re connected to me, and they also know it’s your classroom that sparked the idea for the collection of musical instruments, cameras, and such. They’re loving the program and they’re curious about you. Even so, I’d like to give them lots of time to get used to you.” She paused. “It’s not even just men. It’s anybody new, really. Mara and Bex both had a time waiting to be accepted. It’s a process.”

Ezinne, an absolutely stunning black woman somewhat older than Minty, met us at the door.

She extended her hand. “Welcome, Lucky. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is mine. I’ve heard wonderful things about you.”

“Ah, well,” she said, leading us down to her office. “Only believe half of what you hear.”

I laughed, charmed by her easygoing manner. Soon enough, I learned it belied a backbone of steel.

She and Minty drew out a plan for Minty’s Mountain as they’d termed it, including such things as babysitting Rena, having the boys sleep over one at a time, as well as the entire list we’d made for her and Brayleigh.

Both women explained my part in Minty’s recovery, and how best I might support her. When Minty told her Brayleigh and I were moving in, Ezinne dropped her professional demeanor and hugged Minty tightly, rocking her back and forth until Minty laughed and begged off.

By Wednesday, Brayleigh’s room was complete, and Minty waited nervously to uncover the big reveal.

Brayleigh puttered around Minty’s family room and kitchen, exploring corners and sitting on her haunches to look at the books on Minty’s shelves.

“You’re training her to love abs,” I accused.
