Page 29 of Mountain Road

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I chuckled. “Definitely. It’s not quite the same thing. Sharing custody gives you so much more free time. Although, for those first six months we did live together. Those were difficult months, and I didn’t want to bail on her.”

“Do you and your ex have a good relationship?”

I looked at her seriously. “She’s not my ex, we never dated, but she is my best friend.” I watched as she withdrew even more and realized she probably thought she was stepping into the middle of a love triangle. “We’ve been best friends since we were in grade school. Grade four maybe?” I shrugged. “We slept together once. It was hilarious. She got pregnant.”

She leaned forward in her seat. “Why was it hilarious?”

“We went out one night and got to talking, too much drinking, and decided we should see if we had any chemistry.” I stopped and looked at Minty, a wry smile on my face. “We don’t, by the way.”

She tilted her head to the side. “Tell me the story?”

“Alright. The next morning, we woke up at the same time, both of us with hangovers. I didn’t even remember what we did at first. Seeing her beside me was no big deal, it wasn’t like it was the first time we’d slept in the same bed, we’d just never had sex.” I shrugged. “Never wanted to.”

I shook my head in disbelief even now at the thought before continuing.

“We’re just squinting at each other, kind of complaining about dry mouth, she’s saying something charming about considering drinking her own piss then she looks at me with this look of horror on her face.”

“I start panicking and whisper, ‘What is it?’”

“Minty, my eyes are bugging out because I’m thinking there’s a spider on me, the light from the window is hitting me in not a good way, there are hammers in my head, and my stomach is staging a rebellion.”

Minty’s smile grew as she listened to my story, feeding the hope that me having a child was not going to be the end of what looked like a really fucking good beginning.

I couldn’t help laughing at the next part.

“So, she says to me all quiet, ‘you put your willy in me.’ As soon as she said it, it all comes flying back to me and it’s like the biggest WTF moment in my entire life, because seriously, what the fuck were we thinking?”

“So, I just looked at her and said, ‘I did.’ Then she puts her hand over her eyes and says it again, but louder, and she’s laughing. ‘You put your willy in me!’ And I’m stunned. Literally stunned stupid.”

Minty covered her mouth with her hand to hold in her laughter but she could do nothing about the tears in her eyes. I took a breath in relief and continued with my story.

“Then she looks incredulous and says, ‘Youcameinside me!’ Now, I’m panicking. I say, ‘You said you’re on the pill!’”

“She yells, ‘I am! But youactually cameinside me! Like, you enjoyed it!’

I hold my hands out and yell back at her, ‘It’s warm and wet, what do you expect?’

She covers her ears and starts saying, ‘Ew!’”

I looked at Minty with my eyebrows raised. “Ew? Can you believe that?”

Minty shakes her head. Her face is flushed, her eyes are crinkled, and she jerks her chin up for me to continue.

I loved seeing her like this, a glimpse of the real woman, her laughter freeing her.

“Now we’re both laughing and screaming and holding our heads and it’s all just really funny. Then I think about it, feeling sure she orgasmed. So, I ask her, ‘Wait a minute. Are you a faker?’”

“‘What?’ she looks at me all confused. ‘A faker! Are you a faker? Because I’m pretty sure you came, too!’”

“She gives me this high-and-mighty look and says, ‘I was thinking about my book boyfriend!’”

Minty slapped both hands over her face and curled into a c-shape across from me. Her shoulders shook with laughter that didn’t sound nearly as ladylike and genteel as it usually did.

When she finally looked up at me, I grinned at her.

“We laughed it off, mutually agreed to never speak about it again never mind do it again. Two weeks later she shows up with a positive pregnancy test, scared out of her mind.” I shrugged. “She talked. I listened. We have a baby.”

“Do you regret it?” Her eyes and voice were soft.
