Page 46 of Mountain Road

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My issues concerned me because they slowed me down.

Would I be able to keep up with him?

Should I even try?

Chapter Fifteen- Underwear


Minty blew my mind.

I mean, I wasn’t sure I had a single, functioning brain cell left.

Not an ideal state of affairs when you’re supposed to be passing on your wisdom to future generations.

I turned my mind back to the issue that had plagued me since the Christmas break.

I met, once again, with the principal about the underwear problem. He was slowly working on it, but how fucking hard was it to put together a feminine hygiene kit? We passed out condoms like beaded necklaces at Mardi gras but shied away from underwear?

I frowned as I drummed my fingers on my desk in my empty classroom.

I took a deep breath. The indignity of it broke my heart.

“Mr. Triggs?”

My head swung around. “Yes, Sasha? What can I do for you?”

Sasha had just turned eighteen, this year being her victory lap, and hopefully the one in which she graduated.

“Can I sit down?”

“Of course.” My heart rate picked up. This was one of three things. She wanted to take an instrument home, somebody was hurting her, or she was…

“I’m pregnant,” she blurted out. “I think I’m pregnant.”

I nodded and held her gaze. “Okay. Thank you for telling me. Is the father involved?”

Her face twisted. “Yeah, with my sister.”

My spine snapped straight, and her startled eyes flew to mine. I forced myself to shift back in my chair. “Sash, was it forced?”

“Not exactly… It’s complicated.” Tension coiled around her body. She was about to bolt.

“Sasha, I’m really glad you told me. You did the right thing. I would like to know if you have taken a pregnancy test yet.”

“No. But, I’m late. I’m never late.”

I stood up and extended my arm. “C’mon kiddo. Let’s go to guidance and see about getting you a test.”

With her arms crossed she tucked herself against my side. I lay my hand on her shoulder, wishing I could give this child a hug. Her chest heaved once and then she seemed to pull herself together.

“It’ll be okay,” I whispered.

“Will you stay with me while I take the test?”

“I’ll be right outside.”

