Page 51 of Mountain Road

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He looked at me meanly, but his mouth tipped up on one side.

I gathered my dress up inch-by-inch, sliding the fabric along my thigh. “Guitars, and,” I gasped theatrically, “Ukuleles…”

He chuckled and I grinned at him even as his gaze dropped to my lap where my fingers danced along the inside of my thigh. His Adam’s apple bobbed.

With one leg completely bared, I went to work on the other side. “Drums to beat, violins to stroke…eyes on the road, darling…” I pulled my underwear off and let it fall to the floor before tossing it into his lap. “We haven’t even begun to talk about wind instruments…”

He pulled into the parking lot we’d left not fifteen minutes before and turned toward me, frowning. “I can’t even get out of the car without embarrassing myself.”

I laughed as I swung my legs out of the car. “I guess I’ll meet you upstairs.” I closed the door and walked around the car to his side, backing away from his open window. “Should I wait?” I pretended to think. “Maybe I’ll get started without you…” I turned and headed for the stairs leading up to my door, gathering the hem of my dress up higher with every step.

I heard the car door close with a slam.Looking back over my shoulder, I saw him prowling after me like a large, golden cat. A big cat with a bit of a hitch in his step.

I ducked my chin and laughed at his predicament before racing my way up the rest of the stairs.

Breathless, I jammed my key in the lock right before he slammed into my back. “I don’t know whether to spank you or fuck you,” he growled.

I tossed him a teasing look over my shoulder. His flushed face sent waves of tingling anticipation to my womb.“Are they mutually exclusive?”

With his hand over mine, he stared at me hard as he turned the key in the lock.

We made it as far as the kitchen table.

Chapter Seventeen – Alien Sex


“I’m seeing a man,” I blurted out.

Two sets of wide, curious eyes swung around to rest on my face.

Tonight was girls’ night, otherwise known as Bookstagram night. We used to have it at Amber’s condo, but since she and Gus reconciled, we switched to my place.

This past month, Amber, Ruby, and I dipped our proverbial toes into the realm of alien romance, and I felt all kinds of things, not all of them comfortable, as we worked through our review for @aphroditesharem.

“I did not think I would like this,” I admitted. “This is so far from my usual genre, but I liked it. A lot.”

“When you boil it all down, muscles, a big dick, the knowhow to wield it, and total devotion is all women want,” Amber commented drily.

“To wield it?” Ruby guffawed, and I snorted.

“Orgasms,” Amber clarified with a laugh. “We want orgasms.”

“From someone who loves us with a love bordering on worship.”

“And wants you and no one else.”

“Okay…so I think we can safely say alien romance sums up the universal female wish list. A mate or partner who wants you and only you, no other woman will suffice.”

“Yes, that, certainly,” Amber agreed. “And it should also be noted that those feelings of devotion and protection go both ways.”

“Trials are weathered together,” Ruby added.

“I love it that they are equals. The alien mates revere and respect their women.”

“How’s this:The foray into the category of alien romance marks a significant departure from Aphrodite’s usual fare of contemporary romance with the occasional side dish of dark and dirty romance or BDSM. Curiosity led me to pick up the first book, and curiosity met surprise as I quickly found myself completely invested in the characters and the world they inhabited. While half of me wondered at the pull of these non-men, the other half dove in and fell in love right along with their human female counterparts. By the time I put the 8thbook down, I figured it out. Alien romance, at least this series of alien romance, nails down exactly what women want: a strong mate who wants them and only them, orgasms and plenty of them, devotion bordering on worship, the opportunity to reciprocate, and someone who respects their needs, wants and opinions. That last point seems to be a truly alien concept in today’s world, which makes it understandable that female readers might look for escape in a different one.”

“What do you think?” I asked.
