Page 53 of Mountain Road

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Ruby held up her hands. “Wait. Where is it exactly?” Ruby, like myself, liked to have all the details before she committed to something. None of us were very spur of the moment, this was even out of character for Amber. I suspected her protective instincts were aroused.

After several more minutes of discussion, they raided my closet and we set off for the bar. It was late, but we’d at least catch some of the show.

A gurgle of excitement welled up in my tummy as I pictured the flash of his dimples when he saw me.

We got there just after the start of the second set. Most people were on their feet near the stage or seated at the few scattered high-top tables nearby. A small table near the back opened up and we snapped it up.

“Good Lord!” Ruby breathed. “What is that?”

I followed the line of her sight and laughed. “Thatis Barrett. You know Willa. That’s her husband. The fellow on the drums is Lenny, Junie’s fiancé. I haven’t met the bass player yet, but his name is Bax. Lucky is the blond on lead guitar.”

Ruby’s eyes lit up and she chortled. “I cannot wait to talk to Willa and Junie on Monday!”

“How do you keep your panties on?” Amber laughed, eyeing Lucky on stage.

“I didn’t,” I winked.

Ruby looked betrayed. “You couldn’t have told us that part at home?”

Laughter, music, camaraderie: the sustenance of the gods. Barrett’s voice dripped sex, and I laughed to myself as I remembered how hard Willa worked to steer clear of him.

I’d never seen Drivetrain play. If I had, I would never have agreed to any kind of arrangement with Lucky.

In this environment, the difference between us became all too clear. Younger, more energetic, no hang-ups, and the women, the women hanging around half-dressed at the foot of the stage made it abundantly clear he had no lack of options for female companionship.

Wearing ripped jeans and a tight tee, his hair a mess, he looked the part of the quintessential rockstar, and I just knew his students must love him. Happiness radiated off him. He loved the stage, his joy in playing almost palpable.

All kinds of turned on watching his fingers fly across the fretboard, knowing how they played across my skin, made me happy I hadn’t seen this side of him before. Because I would have missed out on getting to know a genuinely good guy. And I would have missed out on a night of spectacular sex. With the promise of more to come.

Barrett closed the show, passed his instrument to Lenny, and bounded off the stage sparing nary a glance at the beauties buzzing around waiting.

I watched Lucky, smiling and laughing with Lenny and the other fellow. I couldn’t help but smile.

Standing, I slung the strap of my purse over my shoulder, suddenly bursting to let him know I’d seen him play. “Alright, girls. I’ll introduce you.”

Lucky jumped down off the stage into the midst of the groupies. Jealousy sharpened her claws, but he only nodded and smiled as he dismissed them.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. So silly. You have no reason not to trust him.

He looked my way and his eyes lit up, sending the butterflies in my stomach into flight even as I wondered how he found me so quickly. Smiling widely, his deep dimples fully on display, he opened his arms.

Two laughing women, gazing up at him with open adoration, moved in and wrapped their arms around his waist, while one lay a proprietary hand on his chest.

Amber sucked in a breath and Ruby made a noise as if she’d been punched. My stomach dropped to the floor along with my eyes while my heart thumped wildly in my chest. Humiliation stained my cheeks and I blinked back the sting of bitter disappointment.

I looked up in time to see him turn his head and press a laughing kiss onto the temple of one of the women even as he squeezed the other close to his side. He walked out of the bar with both of them.

My girls moved in close, Ruby practically vibrating with fury. Amber laced her fingers tightly through mine. By unspoken decree, we hung back, not wanting to meet up with Lucky in the parking lot.

I remembered our first kiss up against my car. That was not something I wanted to witness.

Two women.


If I’d had doubts about my ability to keep up with him before, they were now doubled.

“Aliens for the win, I guess,” I broke the silence.
