Page 6 of Mountain Road

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They were healing.

Or trying to.

The vetting process was excruciating, and I left most of it to Ezinne. Those who did not make it into the program, we endeavored to help in other ways. Many times, it was as simple as purchasing a couple of outfits suitable for job interviews. A few times we provided first and last month’s rent. Very occasionally we funded short-term counseling.

I did not kid myself. These were small things and unlikely to make a huge dent, but maybe God, I prayed, would make it be enough.

In truth, there were not that many applicants. Once these kids were free of the system and handed control of their lives, they ran with it.

Often straight to hell.

The ones who ended up with us were serious and determined. They had goals. One of my girls wanted to have her own business one day. A cafe with a bookstore. I mentally reminded myself to check with Ruby to see if she could use help at Spuds. She could at least learn the business of running a restaurant from Ruby and Vander.

Ezinne jiggled my pinky with hers before releasing me. “What’s new, sugar?”

We turned back into the kitchen, and I headed to the counter, pulling out a cutting board. “My friend Ruby got married.”

“Ohhh,” Ezinne squealed and clasped her hands beneath her chin. She was a sucker for a good love story, and I had filled her in the last time I visited. “I’m so happy they finally got their happy ending!”

A happy ending. Ezinne’s smile was contagious, and I smiled back.

Wanna fuck?

I smiled serenely and turned back to my cutting board. “She deserves it. They both do. They were made for each other.”

Ezinne sighed. “I love love.” She looked at me sideways. “You deserve a happy ending.”

You want to lick her pussy.

I took a deep breath andsmiled again, irritated with the intrusion but not overly bothered. It happened so often it was mostly white noise.

“Oh, you, with your secret little smiles. What secrets do you hide behind those pretty eyes?”

I laughed but answered honestly, “You don’t want to know.”

She smiled knowingly and patted my cheek. “That’s alright.”

After far too much food, most of which I could eat, and the delicate exercise of giving gifts to those who were unused to receiving that which came with no strings, I headed out to spend the evening with Amber and Ruby. My second family. My big, fat, Greek family with whom I also belonged.

I grinned.

My boys had no problem accepting gifts and I seriously looked forward to their faces when they opened them.

Belonging did not, contrary to popular belief, eradicate loneliness. That I had in spades. The cure for loneliness rested in intimacy. Thus far I had deemed that too great a risk.

That decision echoed loudly in the silence of my condo later that night.

I wondered if there might be someone worth the risk of exposure.

I huffed out a laugh.

Or even a second date.

Chapter Three – Are You Sure


