Page 64 of Mountain Road

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I loved music. The louder the better. Listening to live music pushed it to a wholly different level. It was the difference between watching a game on tv or cheering in the stands. Waves of energy bouncing off the people around me intensified the sensuality. The music rolled over me and through me, taking me out of my mind and into my body.

Lucky’s hands, Barrett’s voice, Lenny’s beat, Lucky’s freaking hands.

Those calloused fingers.

As if it were happening again, I felt them sweep the inside of my thigh, scooping himself up and pushing it back inside me.

I’d never let a man come inside me before.

I involuntarily shuddered at the remembrance of the erotic intimacy.

It scared me, especially knowing the obstacles between us and any kind of forever. But I’d watched Amber struggle with her own abandonment trauma, and years of therapy enabled me to identify it in myself. I refused to let it interfere.

Barrett announced the break. Lucky said something to him while Lenny sidled up alongside and clapped him on the back, then all three stepped down from the stage.

Barrett nodded a brief thanks and the seas parted for his massive frame.

Lenny smiled, his eyes scanning above their heads looking for his tiny fiancée.

Lucky jumped down, eyes on me, and the women closed around him. He smiled and nodded, his dimples flashing, then shook his head a couple of times before extricating himself from their grasp.

Sharp prickles of jealousy wounded my pride, and I sharply berated myself.

My claim on him was temporary.

Like a beloved library book.

Or a kindle unlimited book boyfriend, mine to enjoy for a little while before we both moved on.

It made me sadder than I wanted to admit.

I watched as Lucky loped across the bar, making his way to me, and my heart smiled.

“Hello, ladies,” Barrett dropped down in one of the chairs before turning to Amber and extending his hand. “I’m Barrett. I’m married to Minty’s friend, Willa.”

Amber shook his hand. “Amber. I think you helped my husband, Gus, move a few things from my condo back to our house a few months back.”

Barrett’s teeth flashed in his beard. “Gus? You’re married to Gus? Love that guy. We work out together at BOXXX sometimes.”

“Yes, that’s right,” Amber agreed. “You must know Vander, too, then?”

Barrett laughed. “Everybody knows Vander.”

Ruby stuck her hand out toward Barrett with a grin. “I’m Ruby, Vander’s better half.”

“Ah, yes. I’ve heard good things.”

At that point, Lucky barreled down on me, scooping me out of my chair and depositing me on his lap with his arms tight around my waist. “I’m all sweaty and now you’re all dirty,” he murmured in my ear.

I sat stiffly in his arms, feeling all kinds of unworthy and unmatched. Looking briefly at the beauties who watched him walk away, I caught their questioning looks. I didn’t blame them. I questioned, too.

He ran his palm firmly down my back, easing me against his chest, even as he turned to Amber. “I’m Lucky.”

Looking pointedly at my ass on his lap, she asserted, “You certainly are.”

“Don’t worry,” he replied, staring her straight in the eye. “I’m aware.”

“Uhh,” I stuttered, giving Amber the stink eye before drawing his attention away. “This is Ruby.”
