Page 67 of Mountain Road

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I recalled her face when I stepped off the stage. I’d slept with a few of those women. I knew what we offered to each other. Minty had nothing to worry about. And suddenly I wanted to offer her everything.

“And when I want you to be bad?”

“I’ll do that, too. Oh, God! Please, Lucky!”

“And if I want you to be bad only with me?” I pushed.

“Sure,” she nodded, her neck arching.

“I’m going to hold you to that,” I promised. I reached under her leg, pulling it up to rest in the crook of my elbow to get the angle I sought, and picked up my pace.

“Yes,” she hissed, her palms flexing into my chest.

I watched her come undone, then emptied my seed inside her. The knowledge that we’d never make a child together caused a momentary pang of loss, but it was a loss that paled in comparison to losing her.

Holding my weight up on my elbows, I stared down into her sated face.

“Mr. Incredible,” I declared.

“I was thinking Captain Cock,” she murmured back.

I dropped my laughing mouth down onto hers, murmuring against her smiling lips. “I’ll take it. Captain for short.”


Chapter Twenty-One –Butt-Smacking


Early Sunday morning, the bed shifted as Minty eased out. I snaked out an arm and hauled her back in.

“Oh no,” she said with mock horror. “You’re not one of those types that sleep in till all hours wasting the day away?”

“Nope, but I’m also not somebody who has had the privilege of waking up beside you and I don’t want to rush through it.”

She relaxed back and turned into my arms. Throwing one leg over mine, she nuzzled into my chest.

“You smell so good,” she murmured.

“Definitely a point in my favor,” I agreed, and felt the soft vibrations of her chuckle.

“I had fun last night. I’d kind of forgotten about watching you play the first time because of my misunderstanding, but last night I was much more relaxed. I love the music. You have fun up there?”

“I do.” I cupped my hand around her shoulder and leaned in to rest my temple on the top of her head. “I love playing guitar all the time, at home, for Brayleigh, for my family when we have get-togethers, for Willa and Barrett at their wedding, I love it all. But being on stage, with my friends, you feed off each other’s energy and the energy of the crowd. Was it not like that for you?”

“Not like that. Not like I felt last night. It’s indescribable. Maybe because we didn’t have the friendship you guys have. I wonder what it must be like for the huge rockstars.”

“I imagine it’s a huge adrenalin rush. But the thing is, the adrenalin drop is real, and I can understand how their lives spin so out of control.”

“Did you ever want that?”

I shrugged. “Sure. I also wanted to be a professional baseball player, a secret agent, and Batman. It was never something truly within my reach. What I have now is fun, it’s healthy, and it doesn’t take over my whole life. I don’t want more.” Except for you, Minty, I added silently. “What about you? What are your dreams? Are they different from what they were when you were a kid?”

Her stillness told me I hit a nerve, but I wasn’t going to let her off the hook. Finally, she sighed and melted back into me.

“I guess you could say I was a late bloomer in the dreams department. Around five or six years old, I developed some weird quirks. Instead of coming up with dreams of the future, I counted, balanced, and argued against the nightmares conjured by my brain.”

Her voice was soft but almost monotone. As if she’d either told the story a thousand times before or recited it by rote, but more likely, knowing how close she held her cards, the rawness of the wound still burned. Bringing it into the light took work. I remained silent in the face of this unexpected gift and waited for her to continue.
