Page 99 of Mountain Road

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Handle me.

Saturday morning, Hope blew in the door on with coffee and donuts from Tim Horton’s. After regaling us with tales from her work week, she scooped up Brayleigh and her penguin to take her home until Lucky picked her up again on Thursday.

Saturday afternoon, Lucky did yardwork while I read and worked on my commissions. Saturday night he played at a bar in downtown Milltown, and I watched with Junie, then reaped the benefits of his adrenalin.

Sunday we all landed at Barrett and Willa’s where I hogged Rena for most of the afternoon, which brought us to Monday. Lazing on loungers, the sound of the neighborhood kids playing, Lucky lazily strumming on his guitar, me reading.

I could definitely get used to this.

Monday night I headed home. For the first time since I moved in almost two decades before, I wasn’t looking forward to the solitude.

Thankfully, it was short-lived. Alex, Jace, and George, landed on my doorstep about ten minutes after I got home.

“Minnie!” Alex shouted when I opened the door.


I opened my arms and they piled in. Jace and Alex immediately wrapped their arms around me. George sidled up beside me and gave me a gentle squeeze once the others released me.

“We want to stay with you tonight,” Alex began.

“My mom’s going to text you,” Jace added.

“It’s okay if you’re busy,” George interjected.

“We just thought we’d stay here tonight and then already be here tomorrow to go to the movies!” Alex finished off.

“It’s a solid plan,” I assured them. “Are we ordering in or going out to eat?”

“We should go out,” Alex said, indicating George. “Seeing as how Spuds is closed, he can’t pick it.”

George punched him lightly on the arm.

My cell lit up with messages from both Ruby and Amber. I took a few minutes to assure them both I was onboard with the change in plans, and then took my boys out for dinner.

Tuesday morning, they played video games while I went downstairs to the office with Junie. Tuesday afternoon we made homemade pizza then went to the movies before I dropped them home.

Wednesday was supposed to be a quiet day, but Willa showed up at the office with Rena just before lunch.

We ate at Spuds, where Junie determined that I needed an injection of sex into my wardrobe just as Ruby swung through the connecting door to the back. She overheard and chortled in agreement. The door closed behind her momentarily before admitting Vander to the front.

“What are you laughing at?” Junie appraised Ruby in her jeans and t-shirt. “You could use an injection of sex as well.”

“What the fuck?”

“In her wardrobe, Vander.” I clarified, chuckling as his confusion cleared.

“Ah,” he said, giving his wife the once over before grabbing her. “You’re perfect. Don’t listen to them. Unless they’re going lingerie shopping. In which case, I insist.”

“Definitely hitting the lingerie store,” I answered.

Vander threw up his hand in the universal stop sign. “Nope! I do not need to know about you and the Captain.” He released his wife. “Go, Ruby. And take your friends and their foul mouths with you.”

“Don’t worry, Vander,” I replied soothingly. “I’m not going to say a word, but isn’t it ironic that we all know about you?”

He took off his glasses and rubbed a rough hand over his face then sighed and winked at Ruby. “Well, you better buy something nice so I can give you something to talk about.”

Willa nursed Rena and then we piled into the huge SUV that Barrett bought for her the week after they got married. She grumbled about missing her tiny compact car and her independence up until the day she put Rena in it for the first time on the way home from the hospital. And then she got it. Told me she wanted to trade up for a Hummer.
