Page 161 of In Sheets of Rain

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Because Of You

Simply Red’sAngelwas playing on the stereo. I lounged on the sofa and sang along to the tune. This was Michael’s favourite. The fire crackled. The cabin was cosy. I flicked through theNZ Fishing Newsmagazine and felt content.

We’d been here for one week. We had one to go before we were both due back at work.

I’d eaten shrimp at Huka Prawn Park and salmon at Huka Lodge and Hapuku at Bistro Lago at the Hilton, but last night had been the best by far.

Michael had cooked his signature dish for me.

Trout caught that morning on the Waitahanui River in a dance that was more ballet than fishing.

It had been divine.

I shifted on the couch and stared out the window, wondering what was keeping him.

TheNZ Fishing Newsgot exchanged for the latest book I was reading. I got lost in it for a while and then my cell phone ringing startled me.

I glanced at the window and noticed the sun was setting and the fire had burned down low. I swiped the screen as I crossed to the wood bin and threw another log on the glowing embers.


“Hello, darling,” my mother said. “How are you? Did I get you at a good time?”

“Yes, Mum. I’m great.”

“How’s Michael?”

“Not here,” I said, frowning.

“Oh, no, Kylee. You haven’t…?”

“He just popped out the door, Mum,” I rushed to say. “He’ll be back soon, I’m sure.”

“Oh, OK,” she said.

I said nothing. Some old hurts were hard to forgive.

“Well, I just wanted to check in on you,” my mother said. “Make sure you’re OK.”

“I’m good, Mum.”

“I organised the headstone for your father,” she said.

“Oh, that must have been hard.”

“It was, but he’d have loved it. I had them put a picture of all of us on it. He did so love to give bear hugs.”

I smiled. Some old memories were precious.

“Well, nothing else to report?” she asked.

I tried not to laugh.

“No, Mum. It’s all good here.”

“OK,” she said. “It’s just that I worry. Youwilltell me if there’s ever a problem won’t you, Kylee? Not like last time, when I had no idea what was going on.”
