Page 24 of Rekindled Love

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“Lacy, are you free to come down to my office? We have some things to discuss?”

“Yeah, I'll be there in thirty.”

When she arrived, her nervousness was obvious by her twiddling thumbs and shuffling legs.

“I’ve received some good intel from a private investigator. Your ex had the kids over the weekend, and he was not at home most of the time. Instead, he was at a bar, arriving back home at 2 a.m. This means he left the kids at home alone for six hours. We have a case.”

She was fuming mad but also afraid of her own shadow. My question was why would anyone leave their young kids at home while they went to a bar?

“Why would he do that? He knows better. The kids could have been hurt. They’re not old enough to stay home alone,” Lacy said.

“Now remember, you cannot repeat this information. Do you understand?” I urged her for confirmation.

Lacy nodded her head.

Once our meeting was over, there was another client Stacy I met with today. This woman caught her husband sleeping with her best friend in their home.

There might have been signals she didn’t catch but looking back on some of the situations she could have detected it happening sooner. I told her she didn’t have anything to worry about because infidelity was an amicable divorce. No judge will make her wait when cheating was involved.

“Make me a list of the things you want in the divorce. I’ll try to make it happen.”

“I will get back to you once I have communicated with his attorney and let you know what we have agreed on.”

Later, I was snuggled up on the couch when a message arrived.

Sebastian: Let’s go bowling. Be there in 30.

He pulled up to my house around 7:00 pm.

I hadn’t been bowling since about three years ago when I went with a colleague and some work friends. I was decent, but I would need more than a game to get my groove back.

We got our shoes, balls, and we were ready.

“Show me how it’s done, all star.”

I threw my first shot, gutter ball. Second shot met the gutter again.

He smiled, “It's okay you’ll get better once you warm up.” He walked up for his first shot and knocked down six out of ten pins. He went for the second round of his first turn and knocked down his remaining four pins with ease. This means I need to bring my A-game and warm up faster. My next turn, I launched the ball without thinking and got a strike. My body started celebrating a victory dance.

“You got some moves in you, girl.”

I know he’s joking because I can’t dance. As we completed our game, it’s down to our last shot, and we were tied. This turn would determine the winner. I stepped up to seize my chance, hurling it without thinking. I narrowed my eyes and turned around until I heard the ball hit the pins. I got another strike. YES!

If Sebastian got a strike, we would be tied. He ended up overcompensating and flew into the gutter. I chuckled at him and rubbed it in his face. He got shattered by a girl.

“Bowling was fun. We make an excellent team. We should join a professional league.”

“Oh yeah. We should. We could likely win too.”

We pulled up to my house. He stepped out of the car and I started toward the house hoping he would follow. But he leaned against the car instead.

“I had a great time tonight. Hopefully next time, we don’t have to wait so long in between.”

I replied, “Let’s make plans for Thursday night. We can go to dinner if you get off at a decent time.”

He nodded his head, “I look forward to it.”
