Page 30 of Rekindled Love

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“You’re a funny guy. You know the answer. I’d say at minimum four weeks, but it depends on how fast your body heals. Your arm, leg, and ribs. Each one has its own timeline. Can’t rush it.”

Everyone just glanced at me, not saying anything. They knew me. Hell, I don’t sit still for long, always on the move doing something or another. Four weeks of doing nothing was going to be difficult.

“Hang in there. You’ll be better and ready to kick some ass before you know it.” Dr. Doerr said.

I sat up in bed more, and reached for the cup of ice. My mouth was extremely dry. The ice tasted good, melting into nice cold water against my tongue. “Boy, water never tasted so good.”

“You and your obsession with water, dude.” Jonathan replied.

He’s right. People think I’m weird because I can’t stand soda. I’ve seen the kidney stones people have gotten. Water will be just fine.

“You guys can head home and get some rest. I’ll be okay.”

Jonathan came over and awkwardly gave me a hug, probably scared he was going to hurt me, and then Abigail just kissed me on the cheek.

“I’ll call you guys later.” I said, as they left.

My mom decided to stay. She wasn’t looking so great, but I don’t expect anything different when she’s with my father.

“Still in remission?”

She nodded, “By the grace of god, yes. I pray every night it doesn’t return.”

My mother’s been battling cancer since I was a teenager, and it just keeps coming back.This is the longest she’s been in remission. “That’s great. Remember to eat good, and get at least some type of exercise every day, mama. It’s good for you.”

She shook her head and laughed, “I’m the parent here. I think I can handle it.”

My relationship with her had been rocky, especially over the last five years. When she called me and told me she was done with my father, I thought she was being serious this time. The sting that hit me when she was back with him just a couple of days later killed me. I’ll never understand why women choose to stay with their abuser. All I want is for my mom to be happy and safe.

“Now not to scream at ya so soon after you wake up but, I repeatedly informed you motorcycles are dangerous. You need to get rid of that damn thing. You could have died!”

She’s right, but that doesn’t mean I would stop riding. I only have one life on this earth, and I plan to live it to the fullest. Many people were scared of death, but not me. As a doctor, I see death more than most, and it only made me realize how much time we waste on things that don’t matter to us. The only thing I am missing is the perfect woman for me.

“I’ll always ride, mom. When it’s my time, I’ll be taken. No need to sit around and worry about it when there’s nothing you can do to stop it, right?”

Her eyes grew wide, and I could see the gears turning in her head. “I suppose you’re right, son. But still, look at cha.”

“It’s nothing worse than how I’ve seen you many times lying in a hospital bed, beaten and bruised by father.”

Suddenly, I was back in the living room, a scared twelve-year-old boy holding a gun up, yelling at my father to leave her alone. “Stop it. Or I’ll shoot you. I swear I will.”

He slowly inched closer and closer to me, “Boy, you ain’t gonna shoot me. You know I love ya. Your mama deserves every ass beating she gets. Never any effort in being a good wife to me. She’s gotta learn somehow, boy.”

“I’m not gonna tell you again. Get the hell out of here. We don’t want you around us anymore. Go on, get!” I gestured the gun towards the door. “Don’t come back either.”

If only he had taken me seriously and left that day, our lives would have gone so differently, but he didn’t.

My mother’s voice broke through my memory, “You live your life how you choose. So do I.”
