Page 36 of Rekindled Love

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Abigail: Overheard a conversation while me and Sebastian were having lunch. She told him she didn’t like us having lunch together without her there.

Why was Renee jealous of Abigail? They were friends, and there was not a single thing she could do about it. Renee could try, but wouldn’t succeed. Plus, Abigail was clearly taken and would never go for Sebastian even if she wasn’t. I despise jealous girlfriends. They got fired up over the most minor things.

The next day, I met Sebastian at the mall. He was unsure as to what he wanted to get.

“Did you not subtly ask what she wanted?”

“She said if I knew her at all, I would know what she likes.”

How arrogant could this woman be? They’d only been dating for a little over a month so how could he know her well? Every time he told me something about her, I cringed.

“You know, I wasn't going to help you... You’ve been a complete asshole to me since you recovered.” I took a deep breath, “and I deserve better than that. I can’t act like we weren’t close for two months and now you have a girlfriend.”

“Cam... I can explain...”

“What about perfume and lingerie?” I asked, interrupting him because even though I wanted to get an explanation, he was seeing someone. It was over for us.

“Perfume might work, but the lingerie isn’t necessary.” He answered.

“Why not?”

“We haven’t had sex yet.”

Was he kidding? Didn’t Abigail say he took her home from the club? Sex was implied. Poor Sebastian.

We walked around Macy’s until I finally found the perfume.

“Smell it. We want to make sure you like it too.” I said, while diffusing it on my wrist.

“It smells good.”

“There you go.”

I desperately wanted to run far away from Sebastian, but I’d see him in just a couple of hours at the party with his girlfriend on his arm.

“Thanks. I appreciate it. See you later.”

Sebastian and I left the mall to get ready for Abigail’s party. The whole ride home all I could think about was this Renee chick. Was I not good enough for him anymore? Why would he date Renee, but not me? We had developed something special before that wreck. Just like life, things change and so do people.

Once home, I threw on a mid-length red dress and curled my hair. My receptionist gave me a necklace and earrings set that went perfect with the outfit so I put it on and headed to Abigail’s. I anticipated being a little early, so I could be there when they showed up.

I walked into Abigail’s and immediately cracked open a bottle of wine. I would require it if it meant spending the next few hours pretending to like Renee.

“Hey, I didn’t know you were here. You’re already drinking?” Abigail asked, looking at the glass of wine in my hand.

“Tonight should be interesting. This is necessary if you want me to behave.” I replied to her with a wink.

“Hell, I need something stronger.” Abigail said, pulling out the tequila and pouring a couple of shots. She didn’t ask if I wanted some, just gave me a flickering eye.

“Okay, let’s do this.”

We knocked a couple back, and then the doorbell rang. So, the fun begins.

I walked in to greet them, and my eyes grew wide. Sebastian was all dressed up but Renee was wearing jeans and a hoodie. Did she not have any class?

“Hello, how are you?” I said, trying to be nice.

“I’m fine.”
