Page 41 of Rekindled Love

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“Sebastian, seriously, it’s me. I'm all right.”

I kissed him on the cheek and his body relaxed a little bit.

I’m more emotional than ever right now. I don’t know if it was from all the alcohol I drank or because Sebastian was becoming special to me. I mean he’s always been special to me, but never like this.

Something more was going on between us, and I couldn’t deny it any longer. Tears accumulated and spilled over. I blinked, and my eyelashes got all wet. Ordinarily, I would be concerned with getting makeup all over my face.

“Sebastian...” I whisper, looking down, ashamed of my intense emotion.

“Oh, Camilla. It’s okay. Don’t cry. Camilla...” He lifts my face meeting my gaze with a mild, compassionate expression. “It’s okay to be right where we are. Nothing more, and nothing less.”

A full, passionate kiss sent a sensation all the way to my toes. My alcohol laced breath, my messed up hair, or my mudded makeup was the last thing on my mind. All my attention was consumed by Sebastian.

Our shared kiss erupted something inside both of us. The sexual tension was high since the night our flame was rekindled.

“Are you sure?” He asked, like a gentleman should.

I nodded my head and pulled him back on top of me. A moment I wish could last forever. My body was ready for him. No way I was letting him walk out.

He didn’t ask again, instead our sweet kiss, turned into a passion fueled makeout session, complete with nibbling ears, and making his way down to my stomach. All the hairs stood attention on my body, electrified by his touch. I’d never been more ready for anything in my life.

I woke up in the morning and his side of the bed was empty. Did he leave in the middle of the night? As much as I enjoyed last night, my expectation was to have him here when I woke up.he was gone. I picked up my phone, hoping there would be a text or something.

Sebastian: Can we talk?

Those words never mean anything good coming from someone you have feelings for, and it made me sick to my stomach. Was he already having second thoughts about us?

Me: Sure. You coming over or do I need to come there?

Sebastian: I’ll come over.

I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on to pass the time until he arrived with my warm cup of coffee. The first thing that came on was about a woman who concealed her child a secret from the dad until she was 16 years old.Who does a thing like that? You made a man miss 16 years of his child’s life. It was incredibly insensitive of her, to say the least.

Every child should know their father, especially when they are willing to be around. Right as it was getting good, I heard a knock on the door.

“Hey,” Sebastian said as he walked in.

“Hey, how are you?” I asked him.

“I could be better.”

His mouth was pressed in a firm line, his eyes red as if he could cry.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

His eyes began to water, something bad happened. I scooch closer to him, putting my hand on his shoulder. “You can tell me.”

His head kept in place, staring straight at the ground, “You remember my mom?”

“Of course.”

“Well... she came to visit early this morning. That’s why I had to leave you.” He was fumbling with his hands, “She was so brittle, and pale.Her cancer’s back.”

My eyes began to water too, because the outcome he was going to tell me wouldn’t be good. “Is she going to be okay? What did the doctor tell her?”

“Too far along to prevent treatment.” His head immediately fell into his hands.
