Page 56 of Rekindled Love

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Chapter 27


These five weeks awayfrom Camilla have been grueling. I was so used to going to sleep with her every night that being without her meant I got little sleep again. The experience over here was rewarding and I’ve been able to help hundreds of kids get the medical attention they needed. Without us, they wouldn’t have access to some of the medications needed. It felt good to know I helped save some lives with my time over here.

We’ve tried to call each other every night while I’ve been away and many times Camilla just cries to me. Being recently engaged and then leaving for six weeks could put a damper on our relationship but I think we were strong enough to handle it. She was right. This was my dream and I couldn’t just let it slip by. Being chosen by DoctorsWithout Borders was an honor that I happily wanted to embark on.

The weather here was atrociously warm, and many times I wish I could be naked. The less clothes, the better. Arkansas stood nothing against this heat.

As I laid on my cot, fixing to attempt to get a little bit of rest, her name popped up on my screen.

“Hello gorgeous.” I said, answering.

“This bed is mighty cold and big without you.”

The fact that she missed me warmed my heart. “Well if it makes you feel any better, this cot is hard and small. I wish I was curled up in bed with you instead.”

“Hard and small, huh? Wouldn’t use those to describe you ever.”

I laughed. She was horny and it was shown through her words. “Nope. How’s life in Arkansas going? Abigail keeping you company?”

“As much as she can. I’ve been spending lots of time at work. You wouldn’t believe the amount of referrals I’ve been getting lately.”

“That’s great news. You’ll be a big shot before you know it.”

“One more week and then you’re home. Are you getting excited?”

I was excited to see her, but was going to miss this place. Being here was much more rewarding than being back home. These kids need doctors. “Of course I am. Finally, I’ll get some good sleep and get to sleep next to you again.”

We continued to talk for over an hour until we both passed out on the phone. It truly showed how much we missed one another.

Chapter 28


