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Suddenly,I was in a dark space I didn’t recognize, and my chest tightened as panic took hold. This wasn’t right. The floor was damp stone and I could barely see the walls in the dim light.

Glancing around I looked for the source of the light. I couldn’t see any torches or lamps. It was just there. My brow furrowed, trying to make sense of this place.

Carefully, I walked forward, my bare feet stinging against the sharp stone floor. The walls on either side of me were made of the same stone as the floor but ahead I saw bars.

My heart raced and my breathing quickened. I was in a cell. Locked up somewhere. Had the school lied to me? Had they sent me to the magic prison after all or had the school been a dream? It had seemed too good to be true.

“Calm down, kitten,” a smooth sexy voice sounded from behind me.

I turned to see Luka, standing in the middle of the cell. “Where did you come from? How did you get in here?”

He smirked. “This is my domain. I can come and go as I please.”

“Am I in hell?” I asked, remembering that Luka was a demon.

His smile faded. “Is that what you think of me?”

“No,” I said. “I just don’t understand what’s going on here.”

He moved closer to me, his lithe body moving with the grace of a cat.

That was when I realized he was naked.

Completely, totally, blissfully - oh my god he was gorgeous - naked.

Goosebumps fluttered over my skin and my breath caught. I wasn’t scared anymore. Just wet. So wet.WTF?This had to be a dream.

“Okay, dream Luka, I don’t know why my subconscious has sent you to me naked, but I’d like it to stop now.”

“Do you, though?” He asked as he seemed to undress me with his eyes.

I gasped. I was naked now too. He’d literally undressed me with his eyes. Or had I just willed it as if I was in a dream? Embarrassed, I covered my chest and my lower bits as best I could. “Time to wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.”

“Why wake up when you can enjoy yourself?” He moved closer. “After all, it’s just a dream.”

“But it’s not. It feels so real,” I said.

“Hey, I just visited your dream to check on you, make sure you were alright after leaving you with that brute. You’re the one who made us both naked. That wasn’t me.”

“You’re kidding, right?” I didn’t have that in me. Sure, I enjoyed sex as much as anyone, but I usually waited till I knew the guy for a few days at least. Even when I had a one-night stand, it wasn’t a total stranger. I’d at least seen the guy around the bar a few times. I always wished I was brave enough to go for it with a guy I just met, but I wasn’t.

Then, the rest of his words sank in. “Wait, you came here, into my dream on purpose?”

He shrugged. “Incubus. I can travel through and control dreams. But I promise you, I’m not calling the shots here. I just showed up. You created this room,” he gestured around, “this prison cell.”

I looked around the room again. The bars with the black void beyond, the cold, damp floors and walls. This wasn’t a dream. This was a fucking nightmare.

“What if I fix this a little?”

Suddenly, the room blurred, as if I was driving past it at a hundred miles an hour. Dizzy, I closed my eyes for a second, then opened them up to see a new room.

We were in a massive temple. Tall white marble columns climbed skyward all around me. Above, the temple was open to a night sky of inky black full of diamond specks of stars. A full moon provided an otherworldly glow inside the minimal space.

The ground was white marble stones. Tiny plants grew in the cracks, green leaves and miniature purple flowers peeking through.
