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“Good news, class,”Professor Halifax said. “We are officially done with the technical preparations. Today, we begin the practical study.”

The class cheered and my eyes widened. I knew at some point, I’d have to actually use magic but the last few weeks of learning about it from a safe distance had been just fine for me.

“Today’s practical session will be a group study. Groups of three, make sure you have at least one newer student in your group. Choose one of the elemental spells to focus on today and work through it until you can safely cast.”

Chatter sounded around me as my classmates stood and moved around the room, greeting their friends and quickly forming groups.

I turned to the person next to me just as she walked away to join another group.Fuck.It was like elementary school gym class square dancing. Nobody wanted to be my partner, so I had to dance with the teacher. I really hoped there was no square dancing in gym here.

“Need a partner, new girl?” someone asked.

I turned to see the twins from the first night smiling down at me. Up close, they were even more handsome than I’d realized. They were identical from their short brown wavy hair and dark eyes to their strong jaws and light stubble. They looked like they’d be more at home on a big screen than inside a magic school in matching uniforms.

Everyone at this school was like a fucking model. No pressure. I straightened my shirt and inwardly thanked Makayla for making me brush my hair. I mean, if I had to deal with this place, I might as well enjoy myself. And to be fair, I’d been left with lady blue balls from the dream with Luka. Either of these two would be a welcome substitute. For a second, I imagined them both naked and touching me.

I shook my head and tried to send the dirty thoughts away. Something was wrong with me. Very, very wrong. “Yeah, I need a partner.”In more ways than one.

One of the twins lifted a knowing eyebrow and my cheeks heated. Did he know what I was thinking? Could mages do that?

“Come on, you can join us, new girl,” he said.

“Raven,” I said. “My name is Raven.”

“Matt and Zach,” the other twin said.

My brow furrowed as I searched their faces, trying to find anything that could identify them as individuals. Not seeing anything, I lowered my eyes to check out the rest of them. Finally, I noticed that one of them had a freckle on his right hand while the other didn’t. “Who is Matt and who is Zach?”

“I’m Matt,” the one with the freckle pointed to himself.

“Zach,” the other said.

“Got it,” I said. “Thanks for inviting me to join your group.”

“We’ve got to be the first to check out the new girl,” Matt said.

“Unless Luka beat us to it,” Zach said.

“I don’t know what you’re inferring but that’s not how I roll,” I said.

“Pity,” Matt said. “I could have made you scream my name for hours.”

“Doubt it,” I said. “That takes skill.”

“Solid burn,” Zach said.

“I think I might want different partners,” I said, glancing around the room. Everyone was already in groups. I was stuck with the cocky asshole and his twin.

“You’re stuck with us, darling,” Matt said.

“Fine, but I’m not your darling,” I said.

“You will be,” Matt said with a shrug.

I ignored his confident words. “Shouldn’t we get to work?”
