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It wasodd how quickly things seemed to get into a normal routine. After last semester, I’d expected a bit more drama. Though, I had to admit, I kind of liked it boring.

Classes took most of our time. All of my friends were planning to take the formal trials this spring so we were pretty focused on learning as much as we could before it was time.

That didn’t mean we didn’t have fun. Regular poker games, tumbles in the library with Luka, and the occasional study session with Matt while Zach was away had kept me busy.

The one thing in my schedule that I hated doing was going to my parole meetings.

I hadn’t seen Officer M since the time bubble last month. After the incident, he hadn’t said anything about what I’d done. It was as if nothing happened. I half expected him to show up today with handcuffs and charge me for using my magic that day.

When I saw Dr. Green standing in front of the door, I breathed a little easier. Officer M was usually better when the dean was around. Not that it helped much, but it made me feel better.

“Hey, Dr. Green,” I said. “It’s been a while. You must be busy.”

“I am,” he said. “Professor Halifax caught me up on what happened last month.”

My brow furrowed and I realized I hadn’t seen the demon around campus since returning from break. “Have you been gone all this time?”

“I had some business to attend too,” he said as he opened the door.

“Okay.” I walked into the office. “Well, welcome back, then, I guess.”

Officer M wasn’t in the chair behind the desk. In fact, he wasn’t even in the room. I looked around again, wondering if I was missing something. “Am I early?”

“No, you’re on time, it seems Officer M is running late.” Dr. Green took his seat and folded his hands on the desk. “Why don’t you have a seat.”

I obliged, feeling awkward in the silent room. I looked over at the tree clock. Today, it was covered in tiny brown buds. One or two of them open to reveal pink flowers. I narrowed my eyes, studying the growth. Was the clock alive?

Once before, I’d seen the clock with things growing on it, but they’d been gold fall leaves. Nearly dead. This was new life. And it created a stark contrast with the black, lifeless looking tree.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The clock hand moved and I stared at the gold eyes of the creepy owl. Time felt like it was moving slower in here.

I turned away from the clock, startled by my own thoughts. Then I realized that if someone did stop time in this school, Dr. Green and I wouldn’t know. We’d be safe due to the magic shield in his office.

“How come there aren’t other places in the school like your office?” I asked. “With the magic shield.”

“There are, but they aren’t used much any more,” he said.

I remembered the old dungeons Professor Halifax had told me about. “It seems like having a few more spaces like this could be helpful after the time bubble and all.”

He frowned.

“Am I not allowed to talk to you about it?” I figured he knew. I also figured there wasn’t really anything off the table with him.

“You can,” he said. “I’m just still not happy with the lack of results around it.”

“So they don’t know who did it yet?” I asked.

“Do you want to know where I was?” he asked.

That wasn’t what I expected at all. Dr. Green rarely told me anything. I’d gotten used to his ability to brush my questions off and get me off topic. This time, he’d moved me off topic by offering information. It wasn’t his usual play. “Sure.”

“I’ve been looking for any of your relatives that might still be alive,” he said.
