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Frustrated,I gritted my teeth. There had to be a way to create light. I was good at this. I was good at using magic. I was a fucking fire elemental mage from one of the most powerful magic families of all time.

Any flame I made only lasted a second before fizzling out to nothing. I couldn’t even see the smoke in the black expanse of nothing around me.

What the hell was this?

It wasn’t the same as just turning off the lights. I wasn’t an expert on darkness, but this was like a black hole or something. And apparently, I wasn’t able to add any light to the room.

Whatever beast was circling the space with its eye-watering screech was clearly not something I wanted to mess with. So maybe it was for the best that I wasn’t drawing attention to myself. But I couldn’t feel Raven and it sent a heavy weight of dread in the pit of my stomach.

Where was she?

I was right behind her when we came in. I was right behind everyone. Yet, I was alone. I couldn’t feel any of the others. Not Raven, not any of the other males. It was as if I was in some kind of vacuum where magic and light were sucked away into a void.

What the fuck was going on here?

The beast screeched again, making the floor rumble. I wrinkled my nose as the scent of something awful wafted through the air. It smelled like burning and death.

Trying not to inhale too deeply, I instinctively moved away from the smell, knowing that whatever caused it was bad news.

The only thing I did know was that I had to get out of here. And I knew that if I wandered in circles trying to find Raven, she’d be pissed at me for not getting myself out.

I laughed, thinking about how mad she’d been when I took the blame for her using her time magic.

What I wouldn’t give for her to use it now. If she froze time and found some light, the five of us could walk out of here away from whatever the monster in the dark was.

But I knew she wouldn’t do that.

Maybe she was already out of here?

I needed light. If I could see, I could find her. I could check and make sure she was okay. I could also find out if the awful monster noises were just Coach Miller trying to scare the shit out of us.

I could picture him doing that. Trying to make some kind of psychological terror with noise and darkness.

I wanted to believe that the threat wasn’t real. But there wasn’t any way to explain my inability to create fire. Or the fact that this dark wasn’t normal. It was heavy and thick. The kind of darkness that could swallow you whole.

Carefully, I walked forward, my arms extended in front of me. If I could find a door, I could let in some light. It might be enough to draw the others toward me.

I just needed some light.
